<Twinks Eat Twinies> Recruiting thread

recently noticed this guild tag in bgs. not impressed by the few i've seen. seem uncoordinated and unfocused, ambushing 1200 jajas for example .small sample size though, very possible they are outliers and not indicative of guild as a whole. have not seen you guys gy farm or afk out of losing games yet so props there. good luck in the bracket =]
You should judge an entire guild from the actions of a few. Just as the community should not judge all trials or subscribers by the actions of a few. I certainly hope people do not judge me by the actions of some of the people on this site.

never judged anyone, nor did my post really imply that. simply stated what i've observed of the guild so far. also, guilds are far more exclusive than whole communities seeing as how a guild leader has complete control of who wears that guild tag. so although i wasn't judging his guild, it would not be unreasonable for one to draw a conclusion on the rest of the guild based on small observations such as mine.

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recently noticed this guild tag in bgs. not impressed by the few i've seen. seem uncoordinated and unfocused, ambushing 1200 jajas for example .small sample size though, very possible they are outliers and not indicative of guild as a whole. have not seen you guys gy farm or afk out of losing games yet so props there. good luck in the bracket =]

thank you, anyone who AFKs out is kicked from the guild. GY camping is highly discouraged unless against another premade
This seems like a pretty chill guild for me to be awesome in, if you're interested like hook me up with a ventrilo server or teamspeak server/skype to talk to you guys. cause I think it'd be fun to have my awesomeness in your groups.

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