Twinks Are Dead

Unless you're part of a twinking guild. I'm an American, and I work pretty late due to my schedule. I chose to play on BG9 primarily because it's not only generally considered more competitive, but because it also hosts the largest number of Oceanic servers, meaning I actually get games when I'm up.

But that will all change with 3.2. I'll have to turn experience gains off, which means I'll only be queue'ing up with other twinks. I'll be looking at 30+ minute wait times for a battleground as a result for a 20 minute game. That is far from fun in my book, and there just aren't enough people even in my guild (which is primarily a twinking guild) to make this work, much less somehow forcing Horde twinks to be online and queue up.

It's not that I like beating on people with 800 HP. I'm a twink flag carrier, that's not my job and out of personal preference, I generally don't attack them unless they attack me.

Would I, theoretically, be happy about not having fail PUG'ers that can't get past midfield? Sure! -- if I actually spent more than 50% of my time in a battleground.

I hope this doesn't go live. If it does, I don't know what I'm going to do. I might have to hang up my shield, lean by battle standard against the wall, and say goodbye.

A very sad Kaanaa

Silver Hand

I have similar worries about this change and how it will affect wait times for Bgs. I am currently in the bloodlust battle group and to be honest it is a very rare day that i am in a bg completely made up of twinks. In general there is only a few bgs in play at any time and with the twinks now in there own bgs I fear that I may virtually never play another bg.

The other fear I have is based on how I got into twinking in the first place. I started in low level bgs as a newby getting owned by twinks. My reaction to this was to ask the question "how?" how are these guys able to cause such huge damage and appear to be invicible. From there I asked stupid questions researched gear and twinks on the internet and developed sheets of paper with a "plan" on all the gear I'd need and then went about building my own twinks. In short I learnt about twinking from copying the pros. My fear is therefore that the current batch of new players will be so isolated from us twinks that they may not even know that we exist with the end result being that new blood will not filter into the "twink bgs".

The only solution I see for the twinking community is for Blizzard to create a specific battle group for twinks, I hope this occurs and we can all battle it out as normal.
Headshredder said:
The only solution I see for the twinking community is for Blizzard to create a specific battle group for twinks, I hope this occurs and we can all battle it out as normal.

Twinks have to organise it on there own I think. Everyone can post in any battlegroup forum and can promote this project. I think this change ´will rise the level of competition.
queue times won't always be 30 minutes

it all depends on who's Qing and when

during busy times, if you're on the right faction, you'll always have short Q's. as long as there are at least 10 people actively Qing at one time you shouldn't have too many problems.
Druiddroid said:
queue times won't always be 30 minutes

it all depends on who's Qing and when

during busy times, if you're on the right faction, you'll always have short Q's. as long as there are at least 10 people actively Qing at one time you shouldn't have too many problems.

No offense, but did you read my post? I don't and can't play during "busy times." Also, faction won't make a difference because 10 Horde and 10 Alliance twinks will have to queue up.

It's a lot of twinks if each side has 50% twinks for my battlegroup when I play.


Silver Hand
Druiddroid said:
queue times won't always be 30 minutes

it all depends on who's Qing and when

during busy times, if you're on the right faction, you'll always have short Q's. as long as there are at least 10 people actively Qing at one time you shouldn't have too many problems.

Thats fun if you are on a server that has enough twinks for that. Mine (and a lot of other servers) just dont have enough twinks for that! I wont ever get a battleground if I put the exp. on off...
If you want to help stop this from going live, hit up the PTRs and give some serious feedback.
Just xfer to vindication or some big twinking battlegroup and viola! Problem solved.
with your experience turned off, and the new "join bgs from anywhere" thing, you can try to have fun in other ways while waiting for the bg to pop up. Soloing instances, world pvping (hillsbrad pvp returns?), running instances in a party for the fun of seeing your dps/hps/tanking... there's plenty of things to do

I'm not saying I like the changes, I'm just saying that it's bearable
Ugarak said:
Just xfer to vindication or some big twinking battlegroup and viola! Problem solved.

I don't know why you keep saying this. In all posts about EXP in BGs, all you say is to xfer to Vindication. That doesn't help the situation... What if he doesn't have the money? What if, when he gets on WoW (late at night) Vindication is worse than his own battlegroups ques. Think a little before just saying "xfer, problem solved"
Bebis said:
Thats fun if you are on a server that has enough twinks for that. Mine (and a lot of other servers) just dont have enough twinks for that! I wont ever get a battleground if I put the exp. on off...

yep, we'll see how many BGs we can keep running
Twinkytoes said:
I don't know why you keep saying this. In all posts about EXP in BGs, all you say is to xfer to Vindication. That doesn't help the situation... What if he doesn't have the money? What if, when he gets on WoW (late at night) Vindication is worse than his own battlegroups ques. Think a little before just saying "xfer, problem solved"

Because if twinks xferred to one major battlegroup or two then we would never have a queue problem.

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