Twinks and bugged Battleground Queues - A sad story

I suggest you organize both sides under the following conditions:

- 6 dps, 1 tank, 3 healers per faction.
- Everyone queuing from the same battlegroup.
- Everyone solo queuing.
- Everyone queuing WSG specific and not queuing for anything else (no one queued for skirms or dungeons).

If it still takes an hour to get a pop, then you might be onto something.
I suggest you organize both sides under the following conditions:

- 6 dps, 1 tank, 3 healers per faction.
- Everyone queuing from the same battlegroup.
- Everyone solo queuing.
- Everyone queuing WSG specific and not queuing for anything else (no one queued for skirms or dungeons).

If it still takes an hour to get a pop, then you might be onto something.

Yes, because if it pops within an hour with those exact conditions, the problem is solved 100%.

I suggest you organize both sides under the following conditions:

- 6 dps, 1 tank, 3 healers per faction.
- Everyone queuing from the same battlegroup.
- Everyone solo queuing.
- Everyone queuing WSG specific and not queuing for anything else (no one queued for skirms or dungeons).

If it still takes an hour to get a pop, then you might be onto something.
I think the scope of your definition of "bug" is too narrow. In these circumstances, I think it's enough to just get enough people to put reports in that they can't get queues. The queue system was designed to pop, given that there are sufficient number of people to fill up games. If there are enough people, queues should pop. If they do not, then they are obviously working as intended.

Without further access to blizzard's designs, I don't think it's really worth it to do too much scientific investigation. A few hundred bug reports will do more than a few people's rants, no matter how well laid out.
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I suggest you organize both sides under the following conditions:

- 6 dps, 1 tank, 3 healers per faction.
- Everyone queuing from the same battlegroup.
- Everyone solo queuing.
- Everyone queuing WSG specific and not queuing for anything else (no one queued for skirms or dungeons).

If it still takes an hour to get a pop, then you might be onto something.

Thats basically how we queued. Or wait we might had only 2 healers queued :).
Interesting that you tell us that we don´t know how the queue system works and therefore can´t talk about a bug but now you seem to have the perfect way to test if it is actually bugged.
It was funny till this point, we should stop here.
You think queues are working as intended, thats fine... :rolleyes:
Okay, so if you do queue how I said, using such controls that you know the system HAS to pop if it's working correctly, and it does pop within ~5 minutes, then is it really bugged? If you repeat the same process and it pops again, then again, then again, is it still bugged?

See, I have a hard time believing that 20+ random people were disciplined enough to fulfill the required roles for a pop, AND weren't too bored to make sure they weren't doing things to pause the queue. If you have a group of 3, for instance, all queued for WSG, but they are solo queuing for skirms, it pauses the queue for everyone in your group while you're in a game. If the queue gets paused frequently for even those 3 people, you can bet the other 17 people who are queued aren't getting a WSG pop.

I dunno, I think there's a lot more to be done before you can just write off the queues as bugged.
So willix got me thinking about eliminating variables. The number of battlegrouds has definitely changed, so that's one. But another change I was thinking about was how we can only select one role on hybrid classes now. I wonder how that's effecting things. Can you queue two roles on 30+ (I only have dps >29).
See, I have a hard time believing that 20+ random people were disciplined enough to fulfill the required roles for a pop, AND weren't too bored to make sure they weren't doing things to pause the queue. If you have a group of 3, for instance, all queued for WSG, but they are solo queuing for skirms, it pauses the queue for everyone in your group while you're in a game. If the queue gets paused frequently for even those 3 people, you can bet the other 17 people who are queued aren't getting a WSG pop.

Thanks for telling us not to queue for skirms when trying to get a pop. I think the whole bracket didn´t know that. And I don´t care one second what you believe or not. There were 2 groups of 10+ ppl on horde and alliance to organize the queue behavior. Everyone was SOLO queued for WSG specific without doing skirms, without loggin off or anything else that could have paused the queue. Both sides had healers, both sides had a tank (As if it would even matter...). Beside the roles everything was also stated in the Forum post which you seem to have a hard time to understand. Just stop making up things you have no clue about. Trying to tell people what they did wrong while you don´t even know what they did... My post should have been clear enough to see that I didn´t just randomly rant about something that doesn´t even exist.
Are you even actively queuing in said brackets?

i was under the impression roles didnt matter in bgs?
They don´t as far as I know. Thats why you have bgs on 20-29 w/o any healers, with 8 healers or with 5 tanks etc.
Willix is just making up stupid things.
Its all a marketing scheme to squeeze out more game time from people I tell ya!

Stop queueing BGs do something useful instead....go fishing!
Godcomplex said:
which part of the mini map icon telling u that ur q is paused do u not get?

Honestly, I'm not sure why you think your q being paused is abnormal.

Jva said:
They don´t as far as I know. Thats why you have bgs on 20-29 w/o any healers, with 8 healers or with 5 tanks etc.
Willix is just making up stupid things.

Question about role selection for BGs - Forums - World of Warcraft
Patch 5.3 PTR: Role Check in Battleground queues
Random Battleground healer balance system temporarily disabled

I'm just making things up? The system was designed to ensure role parity, not a specific number of roles per side. It was disabled via hotfix shortly after implementation, but is likely enabled and working again since that was 5.3 and this is 6.0 (2 patch cycles later). So again, without knowing exactly how the system works, it's impossible to tell if there's really a bug or you kids just weren't queuing correctly.

Jva said:
Thanks for telling us not to queue for skirms when trying to get a pop. I think the whole bracket didn´t know that. And I don´t care one second what you believe or not. There were 2 groups of 10+ ppl on horde and alliance to organize the queue behavior. Everyone was SOLO queued for WSG specific without doing skirms, without loggin off or anything else that could have paused the queue. Both sides had healers, both sides had a tank (As if it would even matter...). Beside the roles everything was also stated in the Forum post which you seem to have a hard time to understand. Just stop making up things you have no clue about. Trying to tell people what they did wrong while you don´t even know what they did... My post should have been clear enough to see that I didn´t just randomly rant about something that doesn´t even exist.
Are you even actively queuing in said brackets?

I think you're missing the point. You should try queuing multiple times using my suggestion before you just establish there's a bug.
I'm just making things up? The system was designed to ensure role parity, not a specific number of roles per side.

But still you tell us to queue with 3 healers, 1 tank and 6dds to get the Willix approved queue check.

You should try queuing multiple times using my suggestion before you just establish there's a bug.

You should try queuing multiple times using my suggestion before you just establish there's a bug.

You should try queuing multiple times using my suggestion before you just establish there's a bug.

You should try queuing multiple times using my suggestion before you just establish there's a bug.

I think one can´t look even more stupid than you :rolleyes:
the guy claimed just yesterday that we wouldnt be able to control our heirloom mount cause it has an npc driver. so thats that.

Same guy said guard absorbs 1-2k damage, and that keg smash has base damage that gets split to smaller hits the more target it hits... :p And now, ques getting paused randomly is completely normal and not a bug, no matter if such a thing hasn't been happening for 5 expansions...
But still you tell us to queue with 3 healers, 1 tank and 6dds to get the Willix approved queue check.

It's called making sure you have role parity. If you queue specifically with those numbers of each role on each side, then the system is more likely to give you a faster queue, right? If it doesn't then you know you've put together optimal queuing conditions.

Godcomplex said:
the guy claimed just yesterday that we wouldnt be able to control our heirloom mount cause it has an npc driver. so thats that.

Which was a claim based on information contained in a blog post made by Wow devs. Information which I admitted was incorrect.

Let's just conveniently gloss over that fact to make yourself look superior?

Mesikämmen said:
Same guy said guard absorbs 1-2k damage

According to the tooltip, it did.

Which is now obviously bugged. Funny part is that no one knew the tooltip was bugged until I pointed it out?

Mesikämmen said:
and that keg smash has base damage that gets split to smaller hits the more target it hits..

Keg Smash is an AoE. AoE attacks split their damage according to recent Blizzard ability changes. Why would Keg Smash be an exception to that? Have you actually tested it out against grouped up players in pvp to prove that it doesn't?

Mesikämmen said:
And now, ques getting paused randomly is completely normal and not a bug, no matter if such a thing hasn't been happening for 5 expansions...

So when Blizzard comes out with a new feature or revamps and old one, things can't all of a sudden be different from how they were for the last 5 expansions? All of a sudden there's a role check system for BGs in 5.3, that can't possibly be the case since it wasn't there in Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, or CATA.

You're right, I'm obviously mistaken.

Queues have been getting paused since 6.0. It's a normal thing. You should probably prove that it's happening outside of the scope of normal game functions before claiming that it does.
According to the tooltip, it did.

Which is now obviously bugged. Funny part is that no one knew the tooltip was bugged until I pointed it out?

How can you be sure it's bugged though? MAYBE the tooltip is right and the amount absorbed is the bug????? ITS NOT BUG UNTIL YOU PROVE 100% ITS BUG NO NEED TOO MAKE TICKETS OR BUG REPORTS BEFORE WE KNOW 100% ITS BUG
Mesikämmen said:
How can you be sure it's bugged though? MAYBE the tooltip is right and the amount absorbed is the bug????? ITS NOT BUG UNTIL YOU PROVE 100% ITS BUG NO NEED TOO MAKE TICKETS OR BUG REPORTS BEFORE WE KNOW 100% ITS BUG

Either way, the amount being absorbed is different than the amount the tooltip states should be absorbed. Someone going off the tooltip info is understandably going to have incorrect information.

Godcomplex said:

u always r

Says some random on the forums...

You know, you're really starting to hurt my feelings!
It's not a matter of pride. It's a matter of principle. I care more about improving myself (which requires that one be at fault or mistaken) than I do about being right. All I'm trying to do in this thread is get the OP to use a slightly more scientific approach to reporting this issue, if it really is an issue.

Surely that would have a greater impact on getting it fixed than the current approach, which has resulted in a GM explaining they can't reproduce the bug.

Being right/wrong isn't as important as you want to believe. But you're obviously young, I can see how you might think being king shit is important.
The facts have been stated in the bug reports that got send while and after the "problem" occured. It would not have any benefits if I list the name of twinkytwink, darkrogue and Lümmelheidi in a forum post. The posts will seem more legit if people actually upvote and comment it. Thats also what the people that have been in that specific queue already have done.

K, so you're making shit up, nuff said.

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