Twinks and bugged Battleground Queues - A sad story

One would assume that the BG queues are using the same system for low level players as they are for high level players, right? Max level BGs don't seem to be having this problem. That's why I asked if it was actually bugged. Just because 20 random twinks queue up for WSG together and it takes an hour to pop, does not mean it's bugged.
One would assume that the BG queues are using the same system for low level players as they are for high level players, right? Max level BGs don't seem to be having this problem. That's why I asked if it was actually bugged. Just because 20 random twinks queue up for WSG together and it takes an hour to pop, does not mean it's bugged.

Because the amount of players at endgame overcome these issues. That is also why the 20-29 bracket at least get pops. Because the player base is much larger.
So you think when 10+ people each side queue for one BG and it doesnt pop, it is working as intended?
One would assume that the BG queues are using the same system for low level players as they are for high level players, right? Max level BGs don't seem to be having this problem. That's why I asked if it was actually bugged. Just because 20 random twinks queue up for WSG together and it takes an hour to pop, does not mean it's bugged.

What. If theres 10 on each side in que they should be matched and get pop instantly
Without knowing exactly how the BG queue system is designed to work, it's impossible to know it's a bug.
It would seem more legit and less like you're making up shit, if you actually listed all the people that were in the que and at which specific time, rather than "way more than 10 per side". You need to present facts, not hyperbole.
Without knowing exactly how the BG queue system is designed to work, it's impossible to know it's a bug.

If the system doesn´t make a game pop when the needed amount of players is queuing then there is something wrong. In MOP you were able to count the people who queued up, and you could be sure that it instantly pops when that one needed player logs on and queues up. If you think they changed that in WOD so that you need more people to make it pop, cool. Still it is something that is not satisfactory for us twinks. Thats why the thread has been made.
But I doubt that is the answer you were looking for. You just want to argue over nonsense so I might could have saved my time here..
And since all you seem to care about is if you can call it a bug or not. That is a quote from the post which you should have read.
"There is no doubt that it is bugged or not working as intended"
If you still think a queue is working as intended when it doesn´t pop even if the numbers on both side are queued, then we can stop that here.

It would seem more legit and less like you're making up shit, if you actually listed all the people that were in the que and at which specific time, rather than "way more than 10 per side". You need to present facts, not hyperbole.

The facts have been stated in the bug reports that got send while and after the "problem" occured. It would not have any benefits if I list the name of twinkytwink, darkrogue and Lümmelheidi in a forum post. The posts will seem more legit if people actually upvote and comment it. Thats also what the people that have been in that specific queue already have done.
1. Blizzard doesn't really discuss the specifics of how an important game system works behind the scenes. Claiming to know how their system works is kind of LOL and empty.

2. There have been recent changes to the queue system, including the prioritization of specific roles. If you don't have role parity on each side then you're sitting in queue until you do. The system also prioritizes Battlegroups. So when it has to pull people from outside a battlegroup, it takes longer to pop.

3. If people are used to wargames giving instant pops, that's because wargames are different than random queues, and you should not expect random queues to be instant, ever.

4. We don't know if all 20 people (given role parity between factions) stayed in queue, did not do skirms while waiting, or weren't doing other random things like going afk or logging on/off between toons.

I get it that sometimes things get bugged, sometimes Blizzard doesn't do a very good job of addressing obvious issues. I want to agree with this thread, but more information is needed.
No? I'm saying that there isn't enough public information about the queue system to know whether or not it's really bugged. The entire point of putting in a bug report is to get it fixed, but if Blizzard can't reproduce the bug, they can't fix it.

So just saying 'we had 20+ tinks in WSG queue and it never popped,' not really enough information to determine that it's bugged.

But thanks for playing!
it may not be classified as a "bug" but it's clearly not what they intended. Idk why anyone would say that ques randomly pausing is intended by blizzard. Why on earth would they intentionally make paying customers miss que after que for no apparent reason. Not enough is known about the que system for us to adequately be able to explain what's wrong with it, and blizzard clearly doesn't know what went wrong with their system since they literally can't replicate the results. When you guys submit bug reports about it include every single possible thing about what you were doing that you can. The bug report I submitted was 2 characters from being full and i still wanted to include more about the situation and i encourage everyone to do the same instead of saying "ques are bugged" and that being the end of it. The more information we give to blizzard the more likely they are to be able to replicate the results, and will therefore be one step closer to actually fixing the problem. Including things like there were more than 10 people on each faction really should be enough to suffice for that topic except maybe saying that it just popped and that you maybe had them on your btag, but i think listing 20+ people's names is excessive and will simply take up space that could be otherwise used to explain more about the situation since blizz employees should know that means wsg had the potential to pop (but i guess i've encountered some brain dead gm's so i see your point it just seems a little unnecessary especially most of those people are the ones to submit bug reports on the subject).
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