Twinking destroyed fml!


Oh noes! Lol I started a new bc acc like 1 month ago to just start twinking 70s, and just have made 2 70s, and geared them almost there, from Sunwell and Black temple and so...

And today this crap pops up!

What are we to do now?

The only way around it I see is actually to start xp and leave bg right b4 it ends, to keep xp gain minimal? Still gotta buy wotlk or cata tho...

Any hope they change it back? :) Sign me up for the fight atleast! ;)
Best plan imo is to wait until Cata comes out and they remove Battle Groups. That should solve the problem without risking anything...unless they only remove Battle Groups for 85 but everyone thinks it's gonna happen all the way down.

Hate this change;

It's gonna be much lesser pops, it's instant now on blackout, now before merge of battlegroups we aint gonna get any pops and after that it's gonna be on evenings and weekends (atleast on EU realms)

70 and 60 (ofc) will share their battleground's with 69/79 twink's. That mean's for 60's that they gonna meet like 69's with pyro gun and also engi wotlk trinket's and full gem gear (sick gem's in cata). For 70's it mean's that we going to meet 79's with even better engineering stuff (havent looked into it yet) and like TGC/ICC (equelent) gear.

I fail leveling and spending loads of gold on a 70 twink that I had time to play in 5 days (not gametime, irl time), YAY.
Aye stop over reacting, twinking will never time.

Twinking has been around since day 1 pretty much, and there have been sooo many changes. People all thought twinking would die when they removed leg armor enchants - no it didn't.

What I recommend you do, is join a proper level 70 raiding guild that clears BT and SWP content with level 70s only in the mean time while waiting for Cataclysm to come out. It's still good fun and most of those guilds (like mine) still organize pre-mades for players on all account types, arena events and world pvp events to keep people interested.
blizz awhile back put 60's in 60-69 AV's and 70's in 70-79 AV's........there was a TON of QQ on wowforums and accounts deactivated, after a brief period it was reverted to what it was before 51-60 and 61-70.

this time the QQ will be coming from ENDGAME players who make extra accounts to play either 60's or 70's. these accounts were made in reaction to blizzard killing twinking in near all brackets. those players have no reason to level more 80's or soon 85's. as for 79 twinks, they were rare before XP OFF BGs, i myself really don't see the 70-79 XP OFF bracket exploding with 79's. imo...will be mostly 70's if that.

those players carrying clout when they post QQ's do it with their 80's on wowforums, it gets more consideration like the AV reversion did. more consideration when players stop paying to keep the extra account's with either 60's or 70's open/active

i have three 70's due to blizzard supposedly giving us what we always wanted XP-OFF BGs when they killed 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, twink brackets. the battlegroup merging should have been done long ago.

i still have 3 19's, 1 29's, and 2 39's left over to see if 2 of those brackets come back
I have a full bis PvP Firemage and i dont even do av/bg on that toon twinking is hardly destroyed xD id rather sit outside org and duel 80s in full relentless/wrathful.
People on wotlk or bc account with xp turned off will fight lv x0-x9 twinks right?

And people on bc account with xp turned on will fight x0-x9 non twinks right?

Simple answer please, I get too confused otherwise. :)
Yeah, so basically cuddle, remember those people in our guild who couldn't queue? Yeah..we just joined the crowd :p

No basically before the patch if you had a TBC or a Vanilla only account, by default your xp gain was turned ON (but you could turn it off if you wished for 10g), allowing you to do bgs with all the players busy leveling.

From what I can understand now, if you have a TBC or Vanilla only account, by default your xp gain is turned OFF (but you CAN'T turn it back on for 10g), meaning we are now in the same group of people who have the expansion but have their xp gain turned off.
Guess it's good that it's only twinks vs twinks now, altho i have to admit that wrecking lowbies in AV was fun. x)

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