Twinking apocalypse

FFS Delete this thread

FFS delete this thread.
Twinkzruz said:
These new updates.

Call it a silent apocalypse.

We forsaw things similar in the past.

But now, it's happening.. And you didnt even realize it.

What happened to the ideas about Blizzard putting twinks on a neverending wheel.

It has happened, it has happened by the SHIT load.

Let's go back, to when Xp-Locking was a fresh idea. Everyone was a little worried about what would happen to twinks, but they didnt realize what Blizzard had in store for us.

Then, Blizzard is going to impliment this amazing instance function, almost like a BG! Because it is over many different realms.

The cool sensation of all these "Pluses" given by blizzard, have become candy coated missery in the future.

The team has added new items for twinks, NEW BiS, making Twinks use their EG bracket now, and do instances like blizzard intended, to get the BiS gear

The thing is, the way blizzard has worked this, they have created a complete virtual endgame for every bracket.

Because you can't use a higher lvl to run the instance for you, like twinks have the tendancy to do, the only way to get the new BiS gear is to work in a PvE mentality.

Now that blizzard has played all their trapcards, they have you in the palm of their hands, and can do with what they will.

They will probably keep adding more and more gear, nerfing, adding, nerfing, just like EG raiding.


Wait, PvE is bad?
we all have accepted the fact that there is a 320 lb. elderly jackass who told his profit sniveling bichass son to make sure that WoW is a cash whore.
Twinkzruz said:
The point of my thread was not to get people to change it or any shit like that.

It was an eye-opener.

Sorry, didn't open my eyes. In all seriousness though there are already items on par with everything seen from this satchel crap, so it's not much of an improvement, just more variety. No one is forcing you to get these items and it adds some much needed customization to this bracket, overall the satchel is a nice introduction, but we'll always have idiots complaining about shit.
Pymius said:
Sorry, didn't open my eyes. In all seriousness though there are already items on par with everything seen from this satchel crap, so it's not much of an improvement, just more variety. No one is forcing you to get these items and it adds some much needed customization to this bracket, overall the satchel is a nice introduction, but we'll always have idiots complaining about shit.

I'm sorry, but the older members of TI understand what i am talking about. And you misdirected the most of my thread like every other troll i have talked to.

My thread is about how Blizzard now has all the cards in place to put us on the same track as EG players.
Twinkzruz said:
I'm sorry, but the older members of TI understand what i am talking about. And you misdirected the most of my thread like every other troll i have talked to.

My thread is about how Blizzard now has all the cards in place to put us on the same track as EG players.

I'm not trolling you, you're just a whiny overdramatic kid. What did you see "2012" in theaters and then noticed this patch is slightly altering twinking(like every patch) and decide, "hey, i'm going to make a cool topic about the endz of twinking as we know eet".
If you're going to call it the Twinking Apocalypse, at least make sure you know what the word Apocalypse means. By calling it the "apocalypse" and then saying twinking won't be dead, you're making yourself sound extremely dumb. Not sure you need much help there though, this topic (without the controversial name) did a fine job at that.
Pymius said:
I'm not trolling you, you're just a whiny overdramatic kid. What did you see 2.) "2012" in theaters and then noticed this patch is 3.) slightly altering twinking(like every patch) and decide, "hey, i'm going to make a 4.) cool topic about the 1.) endz of twinking as we know eet".

1.) I never said Twinking was ending. I said NEVER ending. And it wasnt a bad thing. It doesn't have to be bad. But it means that the ideas that the admin, other TI bloggers, have predicted might happen in the future, have come true.

2.) That movie fucking sucked.

3.) Obviously your not a twink, because being able to do instances cross-realms is slightly larger than you portray it to be.

4.) Thanks for saying im cool.
meh, looking back at old stories from BC release when i got into this stuff it rly has changed alot. I do miss the old though. It was more fun than the new. It wasn't as imbalanced back then. Every class was great, there were no travel forms and learning movement was top priority. Now... lets not go there. I never played during vanilla, i do know a lot of twinks who did, including some RL friends. It was so much fun back than. The games are more melo (that might be from excessively toking) and the community isn't as tight as it was before. So, yes, I do say FUCK you to blizzard.
Twinkzruz said:
1.) I never said Twinking was ending. I said NEVER ending. And it wasnt a bad thing. It doesn't have to be bad. But it means that the ideas that the admin, other TI bloggers, have predicted might happen in the future, have come true.

2.) That movie fucking sucked.

3.) Obviously your not a twink, because being able to do instances cross-realms is slightly larger than you portray it to be.

4.) Thanks for saying im cool.

1. I didn't say that you said it was ending, I said "endz of twinking as we know eet", note the "eet".

2. See how I knew you saw it. Whether it sucked or not it is obviously still on your mind conciously or subconciously resulting in the topic title.

3.Obviously you're not aware of the epicness which is my 19 priest.

4. I never said you were cool, I said you thought you were making a cool TOPIC. I actually highly suspect that you're lame with a user name like that and a topic like this.
Pymius said:
1. I didn't say that you said it was ending, I said "endz of twinking as we know eet", note the "eet".

2. See how I knew you saw it. Whether it sucked or not it is obviously still on your mind conciously or subconciously resulting in the topic title.

3.Obviously you're not aware of the epicness which is my 19 priest.

4. I never said you were cool, I said you thought you were making a cool TOPIC. I actually highly suspect that you're lame with a user name like that and a topic like this

I'm going to get you locked from this thread for this post and others. Leave troll.

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