twinkinfo guilds

you know what? this new stuff with twinkinfo guilds really rock, imagine, a guild with fully experienced players doing even 10man premades and having people online for some BG all the time, people thinking of the win, killer machines, healers who never let the FC die.

This is really good, on the other hand..

i saw the post on the frontpage post about flagadin and and his EU guild and noticed a comment, saying... "ill make a priest on this server aswell" This made me think, what if people turn to this server to make a character because its a guild there that will help them, this could be catastrophic 1st) for the alliance of the same battleground 2nd) for the alliance twinks on the SAME server 3rd) for the other EU battlegrounds since people will start making more and more twinks because of this guild and many of the other battlegrounds may even get ruined.

Battlegrounds allready dont have more than 3 games going on at the mid days(at least in Rampage battleground) and with the making of this guild i guess that the games in Rampage will increase, but in other battlegrounds will decrease dramatically.

I know you might think that im writing this because im an alliance on the same Battleground, but im also refering to the US side aswell. Because i dont wanna lose all games on, because i dont wanna play vs 10 twinks when i have 300lifers dying on 1hit on the team, because i wanna see FAIR battles, i call all twinks to think, again..
Well, tbh u got a point there. But atm it's just the alliance grinding the bg's. Being camped on isn't that much fun. This is why rampage could use some better twinks on horde's side. This won't mean ofcourse that the BG will be flooded with Bloodfeather-twinks. We are nowhere near the 104 people like the US version.

But my question on the other hand is: Are you afraid of some competative battlegrounds?

I'm trying to make a balanced guild, mainly put together to make 10v10's, since there are a number of active alliance guilds on rampage. So don't worry, no 10vPUG-massacres.

The goal is a fair battleground, equal battleground, fun battleground.


im not afraid of anything lol, i wish there was better battles, but horde on rampage already have some good healers, some good hunters, some good DPS, and i rarely see good twinks on ally side, usually i play with 1-2 more twinks. lets hope im wrong, but take what i said as a posibillity.
Æther my friend.. we realy need a challenge -.- on Marsbar i've played 150 and won 120 of them. So yes could be nice with some challenge. last time i got one was when Ordo still was here.
Pfft Aether, Horde on rampage is nothing but hunters atm you should know that. Besides, they aren't gonna have an easy time playing against us ^^ Will be fun to have a guild to play premades with.
Marsbar, Bloodsurge, post in my twinkinfo thread on the forum, and explain why it's a good thing the guild is being created:p

Got a lot of people saying rampage doesn't need hordie's


I'm pritty sure it won't be 10 man pre mades all the time but I am sure groups of 2-3 twinks may join which you would expect in any kind of pug.

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