Twink Non-Ruin

So I played my wife's lowbie hunter and ran through WG about 50 times a few weeks back, and was thinking of making a professional 19 twink, but it seems that everyone migrated to Ruin battlegroup. :(

is there anyone left anywhere else? I'd like to stay on the Alliance side of Garona but it seems that everyone is gone?
Yeah, Blizzard pretty much gave us the middle finger and said move to one battlegroup. I heard there are still a few pops on Bloodlust every now and then, that's about it.
nightfall has 39's, but for most every other bracket you want to go to ruin. With Dk's rerolling isn't nearly as hard as it used to be pre-wrath.
ninedash said:
retaliation has some random pops.. but.. well nvm

Retaliation... LOL

We get games but..

Vengeance is still extremely active for 19s. Most of the time when there is a game going on in ruin there is one going on on vengeance as well. Bloodlust is also very active and Whirlwind is pretty much dead.
come 2 ruin. Lothar server :)
Yeah man, To be honest. I play 19 Shaman on Bloodlust,

Bloodlust is not dead, we get premades and activity through peak times, its just slow at other times or on certain days of the week, just like ruin.

But I also have a toon on Ruin, and the activity is really alot higher.
Jabroney said:

I suppose I'm gonna have to setup my twink and then put in for a transfer :/

its not a bad thing man. You'd be hard pressed to find a more driven, dedicated, competitive group anywhere else, even outside the game.
aye, I know that. but I was hoping to find a twink guild on Garona that I could get set up with and have teach me the ropes, before I get my a$$ handed to me my the professional Twinks ;)
no one is a professional twink thats a silly concept, wow is easy, take a week to learn your class and u can keep up. unless you are planning on giving your twink boas or really relying on your main why not just make a DK, farm some gold after the starting quest chain and roll it on ruin to save 25$, some guilds might even fund you.
Jabroney said:
aye, I know that. but I was hoping to find a twink guild on Garona that I could get set up with and have teach me the ropes, before I get my a$$ handed to me my the professional Twinks ;)

you only get better by playing with awesome people. just be nice, learn macro's, don't cut corners with your gear and you'll be fine.
hmm, I've played a hunter and I'd like to think I know what I'm doing, but I'm wondering if there wouldn't be something better to play. Or if hunters do okay in the non-xp BGs?
With a hunter it can never go wrong tbh ;) train your aspect changing and get a kiting rotation :>

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