Twink Info Guild EU!


I posted at a few places so i reach the max number of people..

I'm trying to take the guild-project under my wings and will be creating a twink-info division on bloodfeather EU-Horde.

I've played my pally for some time here now and discovered that alliance is stronger here on the rampage BG. Except for Back to Basics on Chamber of aspects im not aware of any other twink guilds that really accomplished anything. So to make a long story short. My best guess would be Bloodfeather.

When anyone has any questions or suggestions, plz feel free do post em.

Don't burn the idea down, just trying to make something here, since i got the time, resources and knowledge. (might come in handy)

If interested, /w me ingame or send me an ingame mail.

Still got a lot of gear stacked for rerolls and ofc a big hug for transfers:p

I'll try to discover the demand for such a guild, so i hope some people will join..

Cya in game!

As of now, we are with 5 pplz already, within 2 hours:p

Keep up the good work!
Suppose ur ingame name is Flagadin? What will the guildname be?, and will there be boosts so that the members can collect gear i can boost since i got pre-tbc and cant create a dk.
Was thinking about trying to start a new twink on a different server from my main, sadly I gave up the idea and just made a new twink. If I had played with the idea for a little longer....

Well at some point I'll decide to make a new project and I'll make it on this server. Also if you start doing 10 mans I'm happy to transfer my holy pally (Not 100% finished yet)
Hey sounds fun! I may roll a hunter on that realm. I really wanted to cause I see there ownage... (only thing to many in my twinks Battlegroup hopefuly this battlegroup has less).

If you want a specific class I'm willing to do almost anything. Also will you be willing to help level herb? This'll be first horde twink =)

Also what's the guilds name?

Pm me on twink info if u want me to be a specific class.

Just a short answer - why not make it on a realm/battlegroup with more activity. Rampage is pretty much dead and not alot of twinking going on. On Cyclone ive seen MANY twinks in ALL brackets - even lvl 60 where there is some really nice players.

Overall i think you should reconsider where you locate the guild - maby make a vote or somthing ?
well, tbh, there are a lot of twinks active. Just check the fishing tournament on rampage realms every sunday. The active twinks just aren't located on horde side.

On Bloodfeather i can craft every craftable, grind every grindable, gather every gatherable and boost every boostable:p (if those are even words)

I'm willing to boost people, enchant people and get em on the road, so from that POV everything is in order.

Still every class is welcome atm, already got a few mages, hunters, a shammy, a priest, ofc some rogues and myself. Still need more tho....

As for creating a new guild on cyclone BG. I asked around and it looks like cyclone is pretty balanced regarding horde/alliance twinks. So why would i wanna disturb the balance?

The rampage BG morely contains 19 alliance twinks in stead of horde's. The horde BG-ers are mostly just passing trough on their way to 80.

And a big advantage is: i was preparing to create a new guild and help peoples till we could go on 10vs10's, so the preparations don't have to be made anymore...

For people still interested in joining:

We can still use Warlocks, Priests, Shammy's, Warriors, Rogues, Druids, Paladins and a few hunters.

to make a long story short: EVERY CLASS IS WELCOME!
Finally, i've been waitng for this! are making 1 already (however this will be my first HORDE twink :p)

And yes, even though i hate DK, i can still make 1 just to help out other members to get their twink gear, so that will not be a big problem :>
to start winning fair battles.. not 1-2 horde-twinks against premade..

There are a few existing alliance guilds pretty active every evening on WSG, whenever they log on, we start losing battles and people.. Would be nice to have an army ready against those guilds.
If u like hunters the most, then make one:D, got one in guild already, but ofc need a few more.

A small recapture, we got:

2x holy pally

2x mage

1x shammy

1x hunter

1x warlock

1x warrior

0x priest

1x rogue

So u can choose wich one u like:D

But be aware: This guild is the lil bro of Twink Info US. Therefore it's gonna be created on Bloodfeather EU, horde side. My ingame name is flagadin and im online almost every day.

Hope to have the guildcharter completed tonight, so i can start stacking the Guildbank.

Cya on Bloodfeather:D
Well it's not like I like hunters the most it's that I really wanted to make one. I'm at school atm and I can't make any chars here so I'll see you on tonight. This is gonna be sick, have only been in a few premades on my twinks and will be fun to be one everday or however much we do it.

Well Ill make a hunter tonight, only prob is I don't know which race...?



Edit: With me will have 10, and looks like a good setup of classes. Looking nice so far!
Also if flagadin isnt online feel free to /w kroppkakan or karateflaff and I will inv you =) ..

first time post ftw :D

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