Twink Dictionary


Help me help you to help me help others. Make sense? Ok, so what, let's just do it!

Post your definitions. I am compiling a "Twink Dictionary" for the site. You can post common WOW terms too. VC, Boosting, Twink, etc...

Go go...
DPS = Damage per second, urusually refers to classes such as rogues and hunters.

LOS = Line of sight

OOM = Out of Mana

TNL = Till Next Level

GS = Goldshire

SW = Stormwind

IF = Ironforge

AH = Auction House

NAH = Neutral Auction House (the one the goblins control that are cross faction)
Noob = normally refers to a new player in this game, Nab, Nub are also used. Or it can be used to insult a player (not recommended though)

lol = Laughing Out Loud

lal = Laughing After Loser

Roflmao = Rolling on floor laughing my ass off

Rofl = Rolling on floor laughing

l2p = learn to play

gtfo = get the fuck off

GM = Game Master, but can also be Guild Master

WSG = Warsong Gulch (battle ground)

AB = Arathi Bashin ( Can also be reffered to the weapon Assassin's Blade)

AV = Altrac Valley (battle ground)

EOTS = Eye Of The Storm (Battle Ground)

SOTA = Strand Of Anchients (Battle Ground)

BG= Battle Ground

AFK = Away From Keyboard

Ench = Enchanter (proffesion)

JC = Jewel Crafting (proffesion)

Engi = Engineer (proffesion)

LW = Leather Worker (proffesion)

*will probably add more later
FC = Flag Carrier

FR = Flag Room

Balcony = The 2nd level in either Ally or Horde Base that is overlooking the flag room but is below the actual roof.

GY = Graveyard

Mid = Midfield. The entire area between the Horde and Alliance bases in Warsong Gulch.

Kite = Attacking and slowing down an enemy and preventing them from attacking you by staying at a constant distance.

Snare = To slow down an enemy (I.E. - Wingclip, Hamstring, etc)

CC = Crowd Control (I.E. - Polymorph, Fear, etc)

FF = Focus Fire

SFK = Shadowfang Keep

VC/DM = Deadmines

WC = Wailing Caverns

RFC = Ragefire Chasm

BDA = Blackened Defias Armor

LS = Lifestealing

TCS = Twisted Chanter's Staff

SF = Shadowfang

AB = Assassin's Blade
HK: Honor Kill

KB: Killing Blow

FC: Flag Carrier

Cap: Capture the Flag (by means of running into your bases' flag with the enemy flag)

Return: Kill the EFC and right click the flag.

Zerg: rush enemy base

Farm: purposely hold flag to allow members to continue getting HKs KBs and Damage before capping to win.

Ramp : reffers to the downward exit to the right of each base (when looking directly at base)

Tun: tunnel leading directly out of base

GY: graveyard

exp / xp : experience

pass: Drop flag for another player to pick up (to do this, right-click the flag buff on your character)

charts: to see the charts for any BG, left-click the battleground icon on your minimap

HP: health points (represented by a number or percentage

inc : incomming

premade: a group of people who put a group together from the same realm to bg with
WTB - Want to Buy

WTS - Want to Sell.

I'm an odd duck and always read WTB as willing to buy, because it makes grammatical sense. =P
AFC = Alliance flag carrier

HFC = Horde flag carrier

FC = flag carrier

EFC = enemy flag carrier

WSG = Warsong Gulch. note: WG typically means Wintergrasp.

AB = Arathi Basin

GG = Grom'gol OR good game. If used within a BG it means good game.

pot = potion. if someone "potted" or used a "pot" it typically means health pot but can mean mana, speed, or even free action potion.

speed pot = speed potion

hp = health

WC = Wailing Caverns. located in the barrens, southwest of The Crossroads.

VC = Deadmines, or Van Cleef. located in westfall, southwest of Sentinel Hill.

DM = Deadmines OR Dire Maul. typically denoted as Dire Maul but a few people decide not to use the term VC for the Deadmines...

SFK = Shadow Fang Keep. located in western Tirisfal Glades.

BFD = Black Fathom Deeps. located in northwest Ashenvale.

RFC = Ragefire Chasm. located in Orgrimmar.

RFK = Razorfen Kraul. located in the southern barrens.

RFD = Razorfen Downs. located in the southern barrens.

gnomer = Gnomeregan. located in northwestern Dun Morogh. for horde, see this Quest

rev = Revelosh, the first main boss in Uldaman.

Ulda = Uldaman

WTF = way to fight. someone is congratulating a well played situation by someone.

OOM = out of mana

AFK = away from keyboard. typically denotes a long period of time from being at the computer.

BRB = be right back. typically denotes a short period of time from being at the computer.

BBL = be back later. typically denotes that you will be back later in the day, but are leaving for now.

GTG = good to go. used mainly with raids to let people know that you're ready.

G2G = got to go. typically denotes that you are leaving.

sry = sorry

TBH = to be honest

OMG = oh my god

IAML = i'll add more later

omw=on my way

imho= in my honest opinion

thats all i can think of atm thats not already there
only ones i really think that matter are








my friends and i had names for every different part of the enemy base back when i played 19s. would be nice if every twink got used to using terms like "ledge" or "outside 2nd floor"

imba - Imbalanced (used to describe a class which is OP or UP)

HoT - Heal over time (Lifebloom, Dreanei Racial, Druid heals etc.)

gtg - Got to Go ("I gtg sleep in 5 minutes") or Good to go ("LF1M then gtg")

LFM - Looking for more to join a PUG or Raid

LF*M - Where * is a number, Looking for that amount of players

PUG - Pickup Group. Used to describe an unpremade Battleground, or putting together a group of players who don't play together usually. (Usually being UP or imba)

Premade / pre - A Battleground of twinks, Who typically are on the same server and qued for the BG together or consistantly play together. Many times it will consist mostly of twinks who are the member of the same guild.

Scrub- Usually a bad twink player and/or twink wannabe. (Who is way UG or is OG and sucks)

UG- Undergeared

OG- Overgeared or Old Gangsta (Been playing a long time)

PWN- Pure ownage. Can be used as a verb ("pwning") ;

And ones that i wish existed.

AET - Above Enemy Tunnel

AT - Above Tunnel
Focus Fire: When all or most of the enemy players in one area concentrate all their attacks on a single target.

Tun: the tunnel leading into either your or the opposing factions base.

BB: Booty Bay

STV: Strangle Thorn Vale

WW: Which Way (rarely used anymore)

Zone Map: An opaque map at the bottom right of your screen that allows you to see your factions players and the enemy flag carrier within a battleground (to use press Shift+M together).

BE or Belf: Blood Elf

NE: Night Elf
So, uh, what is "Boosting"?

5SR: 5-Second Rule
Powerglove said:
doesnt matter anymore

Why did I lol so damn hard at this?

Oh god, that was genius, what is this I don't even...

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