US Twink Cup Spotlight - Partygirl (GSC)


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What or whom got you into twinking?

My irl friend introduced me to it back in early wotlk and I quickly got hooked on it.

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class is shaman obviously which is what I mainly play. I do however play other healing classes as well as some dps but shaman is definitely my favorite.

What is your favorite race?

Human female for alliance and undead male for horde. I have always been a sucker for casting animations and I think these have the best ones.

What is/was your favorite xpac?

Cataclysm probably, it was the pinnacle of activity on EU and had probably some of my most enjoyable pug games played there.

Where is home for you?

Stockholm, Sweden. My other home is in Valley of Strength, that's where my hearthstone is set to at least. (lol)

How old are you?

I am currently 18.

Where did you get the name 'Partygirl'...

I suck at making names so one day I queued skirmish games in the 90-100 bracket on EU with my pal Hardbass and we faced two multi rank ones, one of them. Mirlol a famous rogue on EU played a warrior called Partygirlx. I thought the name was so funny and trollie so I kinda stole it when I started twinking on US.

Chores time! Dishes or laundry? You have to pick one!

Probably dishes. Not sure why but that's what I do the most at home so yeah.

What guild do you represent on a everyday basis?

Gurubashi Surf Club.


How did you and the Gurubashi Surf Club come about?

About 3 years ago back in Mists of Pandaria I found out about 24 twinking through the same irl friend that introduced me to 19 twinking back in wotlk (for the record 19s was my first bracket), I decided to make a twink there and contact the GM (Vanillamilk aka blueprint) and then the rest is history.

Is Dan the most traveled twink to ever play WoW?

I would think so yes.

How long as GSC been around for now?

I think it formed in late cataclysm? so basically quite a long time.

Whats the story behind GSC? I love the guild name and sure others do too!

Dan is a huge nerd I have no idea where the name came from but I like it too. As he has stated in a previous story about the guild it started with a few nerds throwing rocks. The guild was mainly formed as a hub for already existing and new twinks to have a place to stay. We were also the pioneers in premades back then too.

Hows the roster for GSC atm? You guys all set, got your subs and starting roster all sorted?

We are pretty much set at this point yes. Roster is looking really solid atm.

Are you pumped for the Warcraft movie? Scuzbag promised she would go with me but no selfies allowed...

I'm pretty pumped yeah. I have heard it's good and after playing the game for this many years I should be pumped so yeah. Just haven't gotten around to see it yet but I will surely do it soon.

Are you guys premading atm to prepare for the TC?

We sure are! any guild looking for games can contact us and we will be down.

What all goes into the "prep" for the TC? I've never played in one and am curious...

Hours in voice discussing strats as well as just trying to play a lot of premades to build synergy. Actively pugging is healthy too.

Is it intimidating preparing for the TC? Or do you guys just try and focus on synergizing?

It isn't intimidating at all. We are all super pumped for the cup so we focus really hard on preparing.


When is the last time you replaced your mouse/keyboard batteries? Any red flashing lights?

I have had the same mouse, mouse pad and headset for a long time but I have swapped keyboards a lot. Sometimes just because I didn't like the current switch I used (I only use mechanical keyboards so red, brown, blue switches etc) and sometimes due to a well placed fist right in the middle and it stopped working.

Compare last years preparation to this one. Is it similar or 2 diff guilds 2 diff worlds?

It is indeed very similar. We are using the same methods when preparing except for that last year we practiced a bit more frequently.

What are you most excited for in this years Twink Cup?

Beating Skill Ratio. But also the general atmosphere of playing a tournament.

Who is going to win it all this year? You guys going to stop Skill Ratio from three-peating? Is it possible?

I think we have a pretty good shot at taking this years cup home.

How many ddos attacks are going to occur this year? Is that still an issue or is everyone protected now?

Sadly this is an issue we face but we are making sure that we are protected to prevent this.

What is your most hated class? I legit hate Rogues but doesn't everyone?

Probably BM monks, I hate the ranged slow and the sudden damage of a keg smash.

What do you do outside of WoW? Sports? You in school or do you work?

I go to high school, starting my last year this coming autumn and after that I am looking to go to university. I don't play any sports at the moment but I used to be really active in football (soccer). Other than that I hang out with friends frequently, watch movies or just hang out in the city. Regular teenager activities.

Do you have a favorite boot? Mine were the Del Piero boots from waaaay back in the day.

I almost always used the Nike Mercurial boots so I'm probably gonna go with them. The classic Copa Mundial is a hard boot to beat though.

You a in a relationship or are you the plow king sniping anything that walks?

Single at the moment. But we will see, now that I am 18 I can go to the pubs drinking and stuff like that so who knows what's gonna happen ;)


How is your MS in the US? That's gotta be an issue that haunts you...

My MS is usually around 115-145. It's not the nicest thing but hey it doesn't take that long to get used to so I don't really find it annoying.

What is your favorite addon atm? You can say Healbot ;)

Omnibar so I know when I have to fake those filthy mages, rogues or other shamans haha.

How is your stream coming along? You still into streaming?

I stream frequently. Often in curse or other comms with fellow twinks you can find me over on

Who would you want commentating your games this year for the TC? Do you guys talk about that stuff or do you leave it up to the committee?

We don't really involve in who does what when it comes to the production around the tournament. I personally don't really mind anyone commentating to be honest.

What kind of music do you listen to?

Mostly EDM but sometimes dubstep or trap. I like grime too.

Car or truck? Don't say minivan...

Car of course. Audi R8 yo!

List 10 players you see shine brighter then most!

Lucas, Stabilt, Hardbass, Aoitsaka, Saxxon, Repulsed, Blueprint, Revo, Nature and Smull

Thank you Partygirl for answering these questions of mine. Good luck in this years Twink Cup! Any shoutouts?!

Uhm shoutout to my mom my dad and my parents... Also shoutout to the production team of the cup, Blackout, Lindenkron and Conq. Shoutout to the people I mentioned above and also the whole GSC family. Thank you for having me, it was a pleasure!

Be sure to check out Partygirl's stream -- HERE
Was glad to hear Raz playing in GSC again. Nice interview.
Gurubashi Surf Club.


How did you and the Gurubashi Surf Club come about?

About 3 years ago back in Mists of Pandaria I found out about 24 twinking through the same irl friend that introduced me to 19 twinking back in wotlk (for the record 19s was my first bracket), I decided to make a twink there and contact the GM (Vanillamilk aka blueprint) and then the rest is history.

Is Dan the most traveled twink to ever play WoW?

I would think so yes.

How long as GSC been around for now?

I think it formed in late cataclysm? so basically quite a long time.

Whats the story behind GSC? I love the guild name and sure others do too!

Dan is a huge nerd I have no idea where the name came from but I like it too. As he has stated in a previous story about the guild it started with a few nerds throwing rocks. The guild was mainly formed as a hub for already existing and new twinks to have a place to stay. We were also the pioneers in premades back then too.
Y'all must know that this was formed to counter rusty and clinic premades! At the start people just grouped up with players to counter this and Dan decided at some point to make a guild to counter horde as a whole because it got very populated with 24s!

The name already existed back in vanilla and tbc and used to be a 19 twink guild in eu but that one does not exist anymore.
As always a really nice interview, please keep em coming @Sketchbag you are doing great, and thank you for taking the time to do such a nice thing!:)

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