Twink Alterac Valley (TW event) Screenshot Thread

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Holy shit that was exhausting.

~4 hours long
995 hks
2.1 mil healed
over 2k honor gained
almost 5k rep
in a AV right now with a aff lock, actually real fun. only class a i have issues with is the disco bubble mage class blizz has created

so nice playing ranged vs melee. rarely die, got 4000 honor in just one BG, a very very long BG
casually dancing while my team working hard.


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Was able to break out the 70 sham with dcm's 70 hunter today. was a good SS
29 Rest Druid, played 1 game before this and focused more on healing and getting that 500 more rep I needed. But I could see that I would not be able to do as much or even close to as much healing as all those 120s. So in this game, I focused more on getting a few kills and not get caught out of position (read lose hks).

Also did my sickest nade kill ever in this game. I was in a 3v3 situation, in the middle of Field of Strife. There was a Rogue that was at like 600hp as he cloak of shadowed, sprinted and vanished. So I now know that I have to wait CoS out to be able to kill him otherwise he probably would come back and just kill me in a stun. So I waited and throw my 3-yard radius grenade as far as I could in the most random direction and it landed on top of him and he dropped dead.


After trying this event out on a 20 priest (xp-locked) and 29 druid. I wanted to try something a bit higher level and see how I could do so I went on my 69 mage, and things were so much easier. First I joined a losing game for like 15 mins, but I atleast got a positive k/d ratio in that game, so I qued for 1 more and I ended up like this. The start in this game was almost to good for me, so I got kinda focused by a DK trying to always grip me into the other team in the later parts of the game, so ended up with 7 deaths. My first death came when I was at 60-0, but didn't ss until after my first death. Went on to like 89-1, then died a second time and a third at 111.
mera korrak plis.png

About 3-4h. Felt like it went on for a day. Only won because russian servers started to run low on pop at the hour.

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