Twink age.

Well, knowing most WoW players they'll create a character and level them to around 10-20 in the first day (depending on how good they are at leveling maybe even 30-50, idk what the exp rate is now or how long the leveling process is nowadays) so look for the level 10 achievement and you'll get a good idea.
I forgot what it was called specifically, remember when you had to grind out how well you used a specific weapon without leveling to 20? Sort of like an expertise xp bar weapon specific, I think that was back in BC but its been to long.
Off topic but made me think of this when i read title.
I forgot what it was called specifically, remember when you had to grind out how well you used a specific weapon without leveling to 20? Sort of like an expertise xp bar weapon specific, I think that was back in BC but its been to long.
Off topic but made me think of this when i read title.
it was still around in wolk before and after the xp lock patch
That site doesn't work for me since I named changed a few times or transferred/etc. I'm sure you could ask a GM to find out for sure though. Back when I tried getting my Shadowfang unbound on my Rogue they were able to check the logs and notice that I equipped it on xx/xx/2005.
/played will tell you overall time played and time played at your current level.
Wow.... turns out this helps me as well!! I have been playing this game for a while now, and i really want to know WHEN was my account created. Thanks for the replies, i'll go now and check it :3!

You can look at your account history to find the exact date you subscribed.


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