Twin Peaks, New Battleground


so we know that lvl 19s might be able to play it.. (atleast on beta)

so i found a video to see how it looks like


basicly just a big version of WSG and also grants silverwing rep when capturing flag

personally i dont think this can be very enjoyable without a mount because its too huge

Moardotz said:
I'd be pretty rich if I got a nickel everytime someone started a new thread about a topic already in discussion in another thread...


No offense, but other threads have been made about this.
Big map without mounts is great, it means that a death means more. My biggest problem with WSG in every other bracket is the existence of mounts.
It promotes midfarming imo

Midfarming bad #1 - "Look there goes their FC, maybe we should chase him"

Midfarming bad #2 - "No need, we can 5 v 1 that guy way over there and still have time to mount up and run down the EFC"

5 elemental shammies then ghost wolf twoards the lone warrior, charge up their lazors and global him, then mount up and ride off into the distance mumbling "hurpadurpa" the whole time

edit: it's funnier when you see it for reals
This happens all the time in 80 bracket. I mainly Stalk the Front of my base watch for Efc and me and few other burn him down.

Ya so Twin peaks looks cool but the large field scares me. why? for one i like big BGs up to a point. BGs like AV are annoying because they are big just to get to your objective you have to run so far but sometimes you die before you can even reach it by the time you rez there are more enemies you have to try to get thru. So this BG i can see supports turtling'" he if we just sit in base we can win since it takes them 2 minutes to get to us!'

Yet, it also supports team work since you have to stay together if you want to live. But this BG will definitely suck since Shammies are going to be OP and feral druids going to be Op so TY Blizzard for buffing those 2 classes at lower levels.
got some questions...

how many people are in this huge version of wsg , 15 people per side or 10? (and 30 in total)


do you get xp when you first discover this battleground , cause i have a twink with 100 xp left till ding and i wana visit this bg at least once... and i don t wana level (and bg xp turned off are not avaible in my realm)
Alecs said:
got some questions...

how many people are in this huge version of wsg , 15 people per side or 10? (and 30 in total)


do you get xp when you first discover this battleground , cause i have a twink with 100 xp left till ding and i wana visit this bg at least once... and i don t wana level (and bg xp turned off are not avaible in my realm)

there are only 10 people on each side so same as Warsong.

No at least if you do it is like 50 xp

You only gain XP from flag caps ties and losing.

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