Scum of the earth
@Trollguden and I have decided to become an unstoppable arena team wanting to play in the EU 19 Twink Tournament. We are currently looking for our healer. We would prefer a restoration shaman but we are open to other healers asswel! Trollguden and I are relaxed players just wanting to spice this tournament up. We will be rocking a unseen and unkown comp known as 'Curse of Overpower'.
If you want to be our healer you need to be able to learn, be openmindend and most off all enjoy yourself.
Pros of being in our team.
* Trollguden is Swedish, he will be bringing cute blonde girls.
* I have the voice of a angel.
* We will be providing awesome Fan-art to remeber this journey.
(we just really, really want to play)
If you want to be our healer you need to be able to learn, be openmindend and most off all enjoy yourself.
Pros of being in our team.
* Trollguden is Swedish, he will be bringing cute blonde girls.
* I have the voice of a angel.
* We will be providing awesome Fan-art to remeber this journey.
(we just really, really want to play)