Trinket Question

Since there is a pretty high amount of trinket choices at 29, plus I'm a human and wouldn't use the Insignia... I'm pretty curious on which trinkets I should use, and when. Plz and ty :D
Generally people like having the AB trinket equip for the dmg absorbtion, although if you aquire AGM it truimphs it, then of course theirs the wsg trinket.

The usual breakdown is as follows

Insignia -> AGM -> AB -> WSG -> BoA.

Casters generally prefer BoA over wsg while melee prefer wsg over ab or boa.
12 sta + crit/hit rating by 10 + 36 armor vs 157 armor 6 stam 6 stre 6 agi + 7 sta

I personally would take the AB boots, 1 more sta, 120 more armor, and the stre/agi are roughly equal to the crit/hit im sure. on top of this the agi gives you even more armor/dodge
Well if you have engineering I don't even want to start on all the options you have :p

On my 29, I keep the AGM and Insignia and swap in my Rune of Duty during cooldowns.
I'm what some may call a trinket whore. I love the things and try to get my hands on as many as I can. For that reason, I use Trinket Menu. It allows for quick swap outs through clicks, timing, priorities etc. Check out that mod, quite useful.
Legend said:
Since there is a pretty high amount of trinket choices at 29, plus I'm a human and wouldn't use the Insignia... I'm pretty curious on which trinkets I should use, and when. Plz and ty :D

what class are you?

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