Trinket Conflict.


Discerning eye of the beast or swift hand of justice.

PTR says 30% haste bonus for melee on shaman's. I only stab caster's and kite the rest. But having buzzer blade and double stacking swift hand w/ the new haste buff is pretty tempting. No caster would be able to get off a spell, ever lol.

How much does haste effect GCD?
Correct me if I am wrong, I thought after three pushbacks, spells will no longer be affected. . .

Granted it still sucks to have three pushbacks on 1 spell but, they will eventually get a spell off.
not worth it imo, especially if you have AGM and/or Insignia of the Alliance/Horde

Didnt know about the 3 pushback rule. Thanks though, thats exactly why i post here i always get information i never knew! Insignia can be macro'ed no?

I dont see how i should 'stick' with just Insignia when u can just macro it with equipslot/Use and equip slot it out. It would give you like a 10 ms lag time when your rooted. But in the meantime you get your stat's :eek:
You can't equip it during combat. In addition, when you do equip it, I believe it has a 30 second cool down before you can use it.
I would personally go with AGM and Insignia. But yeah, I guess you could just switch in Insignia every minute and a half while normally using a different trinket. I'd keep the AGM equipped for the 12 stam.
About the "three hit" thing, it only gets pushbacked +1, so lets say you got a 2.5 casting timer, that means it can only stack up til 3.5, then the pushbacks no longer occurs.

I would use the AGM and a BoA trinket, and 2 BoAs when you got your AGM on CD.
Wozza said:
About the "three hit" thing, it only gets pushbacked +1, so lets say you got a 2.5 casting timer, that means it can only stack up til 3.5, then the pushbacks no longer occurs.

I would use the AGM and a BoA trinket, and 2 BoAs when you got your AGM on CD.

Really? No Insignia? D:
its 2 hit not 3.

after 2 push backs, there won't be anymore.

and it is true that it can't go higher then 1 second push back !

as for trinkets, its been solved long ago.

they cannot be equipped in combat anymore.

once they have been equipped all trinkets with a USE ability has a 30second CD

there is no possible switching between two trinkets and gets both effects unless they are EQUIP procs.

its been like that since BC me think considering i've been playing for 2 years and that's about what it was for the last 2 years.

still possible to switch between fights thought which is cool with AGM and other Trinkets.

i like to you minor recombulator thought. its like a potion and the minor, gets back a few HP and Mana in the process. i hate the new change on potions though. really potions are now displaced !
Xposure said:
I think you should get insignia + AGM, unless your human ofc :) Seen someone with 2x 7 SP trinket though, but that was full fire dmg mage. She was a blood elf, if anybody was wondering.

Nah, he's not a human, unless shamans can be human now. ;)
sorry not reading the whole thread...if nobody said it alrdy, its a 2 pushback rule....half a second per pushback, 100% chance to u get 2 hits off and then they cant be stopped unless u earthshock....haste is dumb dont get it
Tetox said:
sorry not reading the whole thread...if nobody said it alrdy, its a 2 pushback rule....half a second per pushback, 100% chance to u get 2 hits off and then they cant be stopped unless u earthshock....haste is dumb dont get it

agreed, unless youre a mage pretty much and in very very rare cases a priest, dont go for haste

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