Trial accounts can no longer make gm tickets.


See for yourself . it seems 5.3 came with a string attached.
Oh well. Wont really change anything. As a P2P you have 1 chance out of 20 of getting some help when making a ticket. So I guess as a F2P it used to be 1 out of 30000000000000000000000000000000. This or none is pretty much the same...
They really must hate us. Us evil f2p's enjoying the game for its simplicities rather than the gear grind...

I wonder if they'll ever revert their "unlmited trial" stance...
No GM tickets? How will we get rewards from bugged quests? (Brutusk anyone)

Edit: Oh good. Glad someone not lazy like me checked and made sure we could still do it >_>
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Opening tickets for item restorations at least might be able to be bypassed by choosing the "My account got hacked and items are missing" option as opposed to the "I accidentally disenchanted or w/e an item option"... I was able to create a personalized ticket, am just waiting on a response now.
Umm i don't know about you guys but my ticket system is working perfectly...? It brings you to the actual website ticket thing in game.
Although you have to jump through a few more hoops before you can write a ticket, you can still do it. My guess is people saw the new interface and freaked out prematurely.

I would agree.

The system they put in place is now linked directly to the website via in-game web browser. Didn't any of you wonder what that new folder in your wow folder was? Contained within said folder, "Utils," is the browser proxy application.
F2ps can still easily submit GM tickets.
Nobody I know has had trouble with this. And I just made two tickets in the past 48 hours.
Everything is fine.

Can the OP (or mod) either edit (or remove) the thread?

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