Transmog Flex Thread

Im a huge fan of my transmog. It's mostly a full set, the old Legion invasion gear just with a different belt. It is GF'd for F2P afaik (though the set is sold by a nethershard vendor but last i checked it required level 27)

The tabard is also GF'd for F2P. You had to save timewarped badges from the anniversary event and then spend them during timewalking on rep commendations. So there was a... 1 year? window to get it? To my knowledge, I'm the only active F2P with it, which is pretty cool. Though I bet theres some hardcore guy in China in Russia with it I just have never seen. (edit: Brihan has informed me that there are at least a few people with it still out there)

I dig it because the whole look is GF'd for F2P, but also matches and I appreciate that it matches as my favorite dwarf faction, the Wildhammer Dwarves... which I can make my character look like thanks to the new character customizations. So it works out perfectly.

I always been a horde player but recently I started playing ally because I fell in love with the Dark Iron Dwarves.
Sorry if the images is in italian, it's the full Heritage Armor + Taeshalach
Not obtainable for F2P

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mail and leather xmog collection


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My favorite set that's unobtainable would have to be the Deathbone set. Since Blizzard brought back vanilla's world bosses, I was able to complete the blue Deathbone set similar to Lord Victus Nefarian. Only wish I had a chance at was getting the Ice Bane Variant. Enjoy!
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This would be my most expensive xmog set, The Chain of the Scarlet Crusade. As everything is no longer obtainable due to the revamp of Scarlet dungeons. I messaged Blizzard that they should compensate people for obtaining items they can no longer wear. This transmog was not cheap and I even had to transfer servers to finish a couple of the last pieces. He was my first twink in TBC at lvl 29. He discovered Orgrimmar and accidently leveled up when I logged on him in Cata. Re-twinked at 39. Then when they made the switch from mail to plate under lvl 40, I stopped playing him. Now he is nothing more than my bank.
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I have been rolling the grey and blue deathbone sets forever, you are the first person i have ever seen in BG with them; that makes us Bone Brothers.
I have been rolling the grey and blue deathbone sets forever, you are the first person i have ever seen in BG with them; that makes us Bone Brothers.

With just a little twist of harmony we smokin' lethal warriors
We warriors, We warriors, we warriors!
Bone Thugz 4 Life!

Right now im rocking another deathbone variant because it matches the horde mount.


For about 10 years ago I decided to level this character from level 20 twink, to level 70 twink. I remember when the Wrathfire Hand-Cannon dropped from Shadow Labrinth, while I was leveling, I knew that this gun was going to be a part of my transmog.

10 years later... this is still my transmog. I've been thinking about changing it several times, but because I have so many good memories I think this transmog is glued to me.

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