transition from 70 to 74 twinking


ive been thinking about changing my 70 hunter twink to a 74 twink so i can get the spirit beast bear. ive been debating this for months now and im really unsure what to do as ive never 74 twinked before and last time i leveled a 70 twink i regretted it. 70 twinking is kinda dead on my realm atm, theres probally about 20-30 twinks max on alliance side, most of them barely ever on
with patch 5.0.4 out now pvp is a little messed up but was to be exspected. im finding BM alot more viable now at 70, and i have an awesome pet so double win :)

so my question is it worth changing to a 74 twink for the spirit beast and master's call or should i stay 70,..i do enjoy 70 twinking but ive found hunters really squishy so i think master's call and the spirit beast heal will help with survivability.

please post your opinions and experience's with the 70-74 transition and if you found 74 better or worse than 70

thanks in advance :)

BM is the best spec now, so it makes going 74 for spirit beast even more beneficial.

However, I would recommend staying 70 for a while to see how MoP pans out, if we end being one of the top classes there really is no reason to go 74.
i've made mistakes leveling my twinks in transition patches and heavily regretted it when the inevitable fix comes on early on in the new patch when i've been sat there in a dead bracket while the bracket i leveled up from is back to being awesome again

just hold your horses
with mop comes arena changes any one thats not 70,80,85,90 will not be allowed inside a rated arena. no more 71-74 81-84s.

I think this will also increase the player base in the 80 bracket. lets hope so!
i've made mistakes leveling my twinks in transition patches and heavily regretted it when the inevitable fix comes on early on in the new patch when i've been sat there in a dead bracket while the bracket i leveled up from is back to being awesome again

just hold your horses

well its not because of the transistion patch that im thinking of leveling, as i stated before ive been thinking about it for a few months,
hmm you have a point, i just want a spirit beast, shame you cant get at 70 and just make there heal a 74 ability for the pet, least then we could get some awesome pets, not many awesome pets for 70 hunter, i use the boss from BWL atm (2nd from last boss, the corehound)
ive been thinking about changing my 70 hunter twink to a 74 twink so i can get the spirit beast bear. ive been debating this for months now and im really unsure what to do as ive never 74 twinked before and last time i leveled a 70 twink i regretted it. 70 twinking is kinda dead on my realm atm, theres probally about 20-30 twinks max on alliance side, most of them barely ever on
with patch 5.0.4 out now pvp is a little messed up but was to be exspected. im finding BM alot more viable now at 70, and i have an awesome pet so double win :)

so my question is it worth changing to a 74 twink for the spirit beast and master's call or should i stay 70,..i do enjoy 70 twinking but ive found hunters really squishy so i think master's call and the spirit beast heal will help with survivability.

please post your opinions and experience's with the 70-74 transition and if you found 74 better or worse than 70

thanks in advance :)


I would stay 70, alot of your stats will decrease and spirit beast is not the most dps pet in the game. Divlesuar is, and yes the heal might be great but not worth it if you can find a pocket healer so i would stay 70 imo. and dont stack any pvp power you want to most agi/RAP you can get cause it inceases your pets dmg!
BM is the best spec now, so it makes going 74 for spirit beast even more beneficial.

However, I would recommend staying 70 for a while to see how MoP pans out, if we end being one of the top classes there really is no reason to go 74.
Yea i found that Spirit Beast does not do that much dps most dps pet ive found is Devilsaur. im full pve/agil stacking with 3k RAP, 50% crit including the 5% from the pet.
my pet has 575 dps when spirit beast has like 523 but i get up to 800 dps at some points with buffs. and im not realy sure but imo i would stay stacking agil with BM hunters
PvP power seems like it would take away RAP and Pet AP. tell me if im wrong!
Just wanted to say i also know how much AP Spirit beast has because i Character Copied to Beta and tested it myself and the heals only tick for about 600 w/o glyph and with is like 850-900 heal
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