Transferring twink, gold problem


So, im going to xfer my 10lvl twink from dunemaul to draenor and i need about 10k gold with me but problem is gold limit, what items/mats is good buy at dunemaul and easy sell at draenor? Help me!
Can't go wrong with high demand items such as Primordial Saronite. But make sure the items you pick have an equal or higher value on your new server if you don't want to lose any gold.
chopper, epic gems (compare the 2 servers AHs), primordial saronite, stacks of ore, enchanting mats, uncommon enchant scrolls like mongoose/sunfire/battlemaster

Stunggix said:
So, im going to xfer my 10lvl twink from dunemaul to draenor and i need about 10k gold with me but problem is gold limit, what items/mats is good buy at dunemaul and easy sell at draenor? Help me!

why draenor? never even seen a 10 twink guild from there.
Disagree with the primordial saronite and other suggestions except for some of subpars. The price of ps and ores etc is falling and will continue to fall until they become a Heart of Darkness - Item - World of Warcraft value item come Cata. There's a lot of competition offloading PS atm on horde and ally Draenor as people try and offload stuff while its still worth something.

Go go go for chant scrolls (and mats) especially 19 twink scrolls / heirloom scrolls. They don't have a listing cost, you can cancel auction and relist / undercut until they sell. Heirloom chants never age as people are always rolling new chars, handing em heirlooms and slapping chants on em for easymode levelling.

If you want to take a long shot and think that heirloom gloves are coming in Cataclysm, take some 15ag glove scrolls with you. The chant is pretty rare, I've stockpiled 100+ of them and sell maybe 1 a week at C.300g, but will sell several a day if heirloom gloves hit.

PM me and I can log a couple of bank alts on horde draenor and 1 on ally draenor for a stats inspection to show gold earned > 100k ea. selling nothing but twink items and scrolls.
Stunggix said:
So, im going to xfer my 10lvl twink from dunemaul to draenor and i need about 10k gold with me but problem is gold limit, what items/mats is good buy at dunemaul and easy sell at draenor? Help me!

Start buying grey items that vendor for a large amount of gold (several items from the Dalaran fishing daily vendor for quite a bit). Fill your bags and bank with these items and transfer. This will ensure that you don't lose any value from server A to server B.

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