
Let me break this down for you:

1 Nobody is calling you names.

2 Learn to be patient and have respect for others. Just because you have submitted an application to the guild, don't expect for us to jump to invite you. The fact that you "resent that you believe I am impatient" is absurd when you say, "just add me to your friends list and when I come on, send me an invite =) I hope I get a response soon, because I'm becoming a little impatient..." That statement alone says it all. I simply point out that I can see you are impatient. If you don't agree, how do you rebut "Wait, why is this guy getting an invite when I've been waiting for 4 days for an invite? I don't even know that anyone has looked at my application" when you supposedly talked to Drayner?

3 I didn't accidentally do anything.

4 You never complimented me and I don't care if you ever do.

5 Lol KP

fake edit..

Take a deep breath.


You're getting worked up over nothing. I realize you didn't mean to make anyone mad by your questioning. That's not the negative effect going on here. It's that you appear way too impatient in an application process that is very thorough and time-consuming. Instead of your numerous posts in this thread aiding an already aggravated situation, you are actually exacerbating the problem.

As stated long before, your application is still under review at this time. No decision has yet been made. No one is getting any special privileges in this process. You will not be forgotten or overlooked. You will receive notification via PM of the decision when that times arrives. Now let's keep it at that.
Thank you Painaid, I for one, and done posting on this subject.
I apologize to the guild for my actions here, if I offended anyone. I apologize with the exception of Deaconator, he deserved anything I said. However, the rest of the guild did not need to be dragged into it. I had even offered Deacon a friend status, but he declined, so I cannot say that I am apoligizing to him. I feel that I have explained myself thoroughly here. Painaid believe that I should delete my posts here, and I honestly do to. However, I believe that Drayner also has the right to see my explanation of things, and so I will be leaving that part up.
xkg47 said:
I apologize to the guild for my actions here, if I offended anyone. I apologize with the exception of Deaconator, he deserved anything I said. However, the rest of the guild did not need to be dragged into it. I had even offered Deacon a friend status, but he declined, so I cannot say that I am apoligizing to him. I feel that I have explained myself thoroughly here. Painaid believe that I should delete my posts here, and I honestly do to. However, I believe that Drayner also has the right to see my explanation of things, and so I will be leaving that part up.

If you're not apologizing to deacon, you're not my friend
Alright? I'd be fine with being friends, but you have the right to not like me. I'll try to still be respectful of you at least, as long as you can do the same.

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