
Hey guys,

Just wanted to see your input regarding the transfer i was thinking about. So as of right now i am in a pretty crappy twink guild. No one is on, or rarely, and the people in the guild are mostly scrubs who want runs all day long but never give one. I got a pretty decent rogue and lock and i was thinking of maybe transferring one of them over to the Twink Info guild on medivh. I mean ive had that twink Rantcasey for over a year now and i have never even had the chance to do a premade. Also it would seem that the rampage battlegroup just got tons of more ally twinks and no horde.... well thats it for my QQ. any input would be great =P
Yeah man Rampage is dead, but I actually don't think we have more Ally twinks. Rampage is just full of button mashing scrubs who like to piss people off (kinda like me, Hai its Halfbred) lol. :eek: That's just the twink I play when I'm bored though, I do actually have respect for you guys *gasp*.

IMO yes, a transfer would be well worth the investment. Ruin is much more active, and I am rolling a Horde toon over here as soon as I can get the funds on my hordie main to xfer him to Medivh. Much more competition and much more respectable people. Too many bads have destroyed Rampage by now anyhow.

Well that's my two cents, I really think the investment would be well worth it for one, if not both. :D
HALFBRED!:eek: I know you, you always give me so much trouble when u have the flag, lol. Cool thanks for your two cents.
Yeah Rampage has died down a fair bit. Was sorry to see it but I made the jump to Ruin. So far its been a lot of fun and very active.

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