Training Duels

For reference, I'm a warrior.

Too many times I've seen imba twinks losing fights against other twinks simply by lack of knowledge of the class they're fighting.

That's why in my guild I organise training duels.

The purpose of these are to learn how other classes fight, their strengths and their weaknesses.

We test shooting and casting ranges.

We learn how to counter each other tricks.

For example, if you're a rogue and I Disarm you, just kite me for the duration (but don't forget to throw something at me to stop me from using my Charge, or just in case I'm bandaging).

If you suddenly spam Evasion, I change to Defense stance, equip my shield and kite you for a while (Overpower is too unreliable in this case).

For rogues I always urge them to use finishing moves as soon as they're available (you'd be surprised how many just don't bother with them).

So we try Eviscerate, then we test Slice'n'Dice, then Expose Armor, etc.

Using Recount, we check general damage and reliability and find the best performance for the specific rogue.

For warriors I test changes in stances, the effect of Sunder Armor, Shield Block, etc.

I have created a macro for swapping a 2-H weapon for a sword and a shield.

For rogues, I recommend they create macros for this specific situation:

- Macro: Stealth while equipping a dagger in Main Hand

- Sap

- Macro: Ambush while equipping sword in Main Hand

I'm fighting a Hunter.

"Oh noes! He's done a Concusive Shot at me and he's constantly running away. Hunters are so overpowered (QQQQQQQQQ)"

But hey, the Concussive Shot debuff icon shows a countdown. And the cooldown for CS is 12 seconds, so he's not going to repeat that any time soon. If I could just time my Swiftness Potion to coincide with the end of the last second, I will run fast enough to catch the Hunter and apply a Hamstring on him faster than you could say "pwned"".

Anyway, you see my point: knowing your class is not enough. You need to know what other classes can do before you can beat them.

I also want to emphasize that this exercise is only to improve your personal fighting skill.

When you go to WSG, there are other training exercises we practise.

I will explain some of these in another post.

Er... Meaning what, exactly ?

Do you have an actual point to make ?

Sorry to be a bit dense here, but I don't get it.

Could you explain further, please ?
... because ... ?????

And please answer with more than two monosyllabic words.

I see what you mean.

Well, to be perfectly honest, as a warrior I have to use every trick in the trade to get the Hunter.

If necessary I'd use Bronze Bombs, Discombobulators and even Magic Dust to get to them.

Either you're serious about catching them or you're not.

And Unstablle, if that's what you were thinking, why didn't you say it plainly, rather than drag this conversation in the mud ?

Anyway, this post isn't about consumables. And Unstablle should congratulate his/herself on a succesful trolling. Bravo.
Heh, not sure how it is at 19 but trying to fully kite while running is very in-effective at 29, had a 29 twink hunter constally run from my priest for fear of being feared, she ended up dieing to my dots while casting nothing but arcane/serpent shot..GG lol.

IMO its far more effective, at least in the 29s to go in there and take acouple can keep a constant trap (lock and load, constant 2 free arcane shots) + other dmg.
sorry to break off the main topic, but i like your new signature natural...


and i would use swift pots too if i was a warrior =) just like you said, you have to use everything you can to help give yourself an advantage...
Lulz unstable you use swift pots all the time and your guild uses em alot.

Still love you ppl though so idc =D

i cant afford pots so i deal cough syrup to the kiddies.

But yea having test duels is a great idea, we used to do this on the ptr i would explain to other twinks my weaknesses and the best way to beat me. They learn their own style to countering which enhances their understanding of the class.

This is a great idea for preparing a B team who dont know the ropes.
Boris_amj said:

I see what you mean.

Well, to be perfectly honest, as a warrior I have to use every trick in the trade to get the Hunter.

If necessary I'd use Bronze Bombs, Discombobulators and even Magic Dust to get to them.

Either you're serious about catching them or you're not.

And Unstablle, if that's what you were thinking, why didn't you say it plainly, rather than drag this conversation in the mud ?

Anyway, this post isn't about consumables. And Unstablle should congratulate his/herself on a succesful trolling. Bravo.


thank you kind sir :) was too tired to try and make any sense, sorry!

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