might od off yoppaz will be ready within a week. Buckle up.
might od off yoppaz will be ready within a week. Buckle up.
we have both horde/alliance twinks and will face anyone
Because people asking you to play is indicative of the entire bracket's health right?
I've been constantly begged to come back through whispers, by TC members even. Sure sounds healthy.
lololoolololololololololololololololololololololmy acc time is down, and i wont be reactivating until some guild shows serious interest in premading us. Thank you and goodbye.
Well that just happened.
Mind =
when trying to be funny goes wrong..
Says the jagaloon who tries to make everything a pun about his stupid name! LOL
Looking forward to NA vs TC. Hopefully not as anticlimactic as TC vs WT
Certainly a chance for them to redeem themselves. You'd think they'd be on this like a hobo on a ham sandwich!