Over the past few weeks especially people have been blacklisted from plebmades/real id premades because they're toxic. I'm sometimes unsure what is considered Toxicity especially in this day and age.
From what I've been told calling someone a bad player or using different terms to express that is considered Toxicity.
If someone is to /afk a game because their team is bad that is also considered Toxicity.
If someone refuses to play with another member because they think they're bad or just dislike them i guess that is also Toxicity.
To exploit/hack in a game is also considered being Toxic.
In my personal opinion. Toxicity comes in different forms. I for one have called a million players awful every time they've messed up including good friends of mine such as @Iild - I've called him every name you can think of but I still talk to this guy on a daily basis no problem. I could list 100's of other players that have messed up and I am "toxic" towards them. At some point I broke a keyboard playing RBG because I messed up badly and I kick myself more about it because I've a certain standard for every player/ myself. So it's not like I don't admit to making mistakes I do.
The " real " twinks don't take this toxicity to heart.
Someone calls you, bad, the worst player in the world etc there is a few ways to Handle it.
- Do your very best to understand what they're saying, understand they're heated because its a spur of the moment thing and read between the lines of rage to hear what they're really trying to say.
- Wait for them to calm down and ask them then what you did to mess up and try to fix it that way.
- Call them even worse and flame them 200x harder and ignore everything they said when lowkey you know they're right.
- Deafen.
- Leave the group tell everyone the games aren't fun and discourage multiple people from playing.
- Just don't respond.
There is probably a few others ways but these are ones I'm thinking of right now at this moment.
Pre WoD when I lacked a lot of knowledge about Warsong Gulch I got flamed a lot for throwing games by multiple people, even some people I talk to today such as Ben Tilley. I never really cried a whole lot about it unless I thought they/he was in the wrong. I usually just try-harded to prove them wrong the next game. I feel like a lot of twinks from my period of time did that also.
I feel like nowadays, in the words of livingforce people are "carebears" and because of that we don't invite the "toxic" players that would provide a competitive atmosphere which results in mediocre games.
In my opinion you should never take to heart the flame, but you should note the criticism.
If you know you did nothing wrong, you shouldn't care.
If you know you did something wrong fix it.
I also think people need to stop taking the words of people over the internet so seriously and making a big issue about it.
That's my opinion on Toxicity, whats yours?
Love ya quack even with all the banter...its makes it fun and entertaining