Hahah hey is thread a joke or something? If not, this is definitely a first! hehe
Gladiator Mamey (2x warlocks in 2.5+ atm gladiator out played everywarlock in misery)Offering 2.2/2.4/gladiator 3vs3 boost only in outland pm in skype mameybestgraffitieu for price kthxx
na ill make it here with tof loveMake your own thread.
You must be really stupid or simply a new school player, every pro plays at hamcake and quit retail, and it doesnt matter if hcl is out of date or not. 3.3.5 was when 19 twinking actually req abit skill to play and not class carry.
Well i am not here for winning arguments you idiot, stubs made this thread for making money as you can read. I gave him a really good offer and in theory cata doesnt take any skill at all, you must have been really bad at tbc/wotlk. And btw how can you say that cata RvR actually req skill any kid can win a RvR duel at cata by getting first sap or a lucky waylay. Rvrs in pre cata actually took alot more skill than that.
stop fkin with ma bro nigga stay small 1550 4ever whisper me for boost ill do some good offers isell tips tricks aswell 1 hour for 60 euro anytime dog
You dont know anything saint, so just shut it lol, we had 4 dpsers, and they didnt wanna open the EFC; so we lost with 1 min left, nothing else was a good and close game and we lost
if vianco + the 2 rogs just wud of opened on the EFC we would of won that game but now we didnt. and we faced a strong team
I enjoyed your vid, and considering the performance in it you are clearly not qualified to call anyone sh.it.Place your bets, place your bets
I've got 5-1 on archarmsh1tsmism changing to monk after realising how sh1t he is and he cannot play rogue when it requires the slightest bit of skill.
Place your bets, place your bets
I've got 5-1 on archarmsh1tsmism changing to monk after realising how sh1t he is and he cannot play rogue when it requires the slightest bit of skill.