Top 3 Best Posters

Like i said,Jsu8 is much more entertaining than Holypowa.

Like I said, people who flame people in BGs usually trolls people in fourms too.

And you just admitted that Jsu8 acts more retarded than Holypowah. Thank you, sir.

For the record, I was worse before so just be happy.
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Heh,write me private msgs plz,nobody here cares about your hysteria and you are derailing a good thread. Got that?
good thread

Very funny. Imo this thread will lead to flame because some people will be disappointed that they will not be in most people's top 3. I'm sick of these kind of epeen and fame threads. Trust me, they don't normally end well.
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"That Jsu8 acts more retarded than Holypowa" Stop putting words into my mouth,Holypowa.I never ever called you "retarded".Now,calm down,buddy.
none of us.
num won liker unvers

my list would be rhaellia, kincaide, earl, and shft because even when they argue they remain polite, and yde posts boring moderatoringn stuff now >:O
Since when am I polite? o_O

Ok, I'll post an actual list now.

Obviously Yde num 1. Kindest, most professional poster on the forum. Does a fantastic job as an admin, and is overall the uncontested mvp of the F2P forum. We could all learn a lot from her.

And in no particular order:

R Prime; When he does post, he's very respectful and knowledgeable about it. There is much wisdom in his words.

Aradiel; While I don't always see eye to eye with Kale, his posts always address the topic and are well written.

Mialo; Great player, great guy. Always has something relevant or positive to say, even if it is fluffed with some of his sassy humor.

Rhaelia; Some of the best guides and information on the forum were contributed by Rhae. Her DMF guide is a must read. Real top notch work. And she's the bracket carebear. <3

SallyG: Always respectful and respectable. Consistently posts constructive information without bias.

HolyPowah; While nothing he says has any sort of legitimacy, whatsoever, and I give him zero respect, I get serious amusement reading the garbage he spews out. He's the equivalent of a poorly dubbed kung fu movie. Half the time you think the things he's saying were pulled out of his ass, but it's so dumb that it's funny.

Edit: And most importantly.... Shft. Screenshot Thread OP.

Aaaaaaand RSQ. Salfirqt is always helpful and constructive. His Lock guide is fantastic. While he doesn't post much anymore, he was one of the most active posters in cata. He had great input for both the PvP and PvE aspects of the F2P bracket.
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