Too sensitive

I think the officers are getting too butt hurt over the threads in the "Tavern" now, they're deleting left and right.

But whats really silly billy, is that they're deleting only the stupid ones that get over 7 pages, but leaving all the stupid ones that stoped at maybe 2 pages, which we can all agree are the really immature and retarted ones with no meaning.

There have been 4 threads make JUST for post count bragging, and have they been deleted? No.

But they delete them will people they dislike, and with posts they dislike.

Like that thread "When did humans come this far?" Or something like that, which gave this link;

And i found this thread very interesting and gave a great site with something cool.

But it was deleted. Which was a stupid decision, it could have been easily locked, because i know they deleted it because of the flaming.

But no they decided to completely delete it, removing that link and the real posts in that thread from the entire tavern, which it says right there; Talk about anything here... Well, almost anything.

And i know that the threads they deleted do not fall under that "Well, almost anything" catagory.

I think the Mods are getting too triger happy.
He's still hurt about his thread being deleted weeks ago.
iaccidentallytwink said:
He's still hurt about his thread being deleted weeks ago.


also love dr. zoidberg....wub wubwubwubwubwub
they can do as they please lol. I dk, the tavern seems to be about whatever we want it to be. If they delete something, I'm sure they have some reason or other for doing so.
I haven't deleted any threads except for those that RC-ST was talking about hacks in and a couple of ad threads. Don't know wtf you're talking about.
RC-ST is sooooo cool! he is liek a grammar proffessional and leet compooter skillomoligist!!!
now that naturaltalnt is gone there wont be so much pointless thread deletion and self-promotion of pointless threads by way of sticky

Sticky: Lucid Dreaming, Sleep Health, & Dream Interpretation

that totally needs to be there
Crilicilyn said:
RC-ST is sooooo cool! he is liek a grammar proffessional and leet compooter skillomoligist!!!

I complained to admins about RC-ST a couple of times.

I don't mind his idiocy; our country defend's everyone's God-given right to look like a fool in public, but advocating for, or inquiring about hacks crosses the line to me.

I'm glad the mods agree.

RC is more than welcome to continue his tom foolery, imo, so long as it doesn't involve hacking, altering code or otherwise breaking EULA/COC rules.

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