Tokens for gametime

Gold farming as 90 is really pain: time consuming, boring as hell. Collecting 30k gold takes around 2 weeks, it's hard work (2k per days), if you have life too. :p Not worth it! 30k gold is ridiculously cheap for a level 100 character, but painfully expensive for a 90.

Here are some numbers:

You can solo BC 25 and WOTLK 10 raids in epic gear, but these have WEEKLY RESET.


Black Temple
1 hour
570 gold
600 Netherweave Cloth (AH price: ~50 gold per 200 stack)

Serpentshrine Cavern
30 mins
300 gold
50 Netherweave Cloth

50 mins
400 gold
150 Netherweave Cloth

Sunwell Plateau
45 mins
500 gold
100 Netherweave Cloth

1 hour
900 gold
Frostweave Cloth (AH price: ~200 gold per 200 stack)

There are several short raids, like:

Magtheridon's Lair
3 mins
30 gold

Gruul's Lair
4 mins
40 gold

Crusaders' Coliseum
15 mins
190 gold

The Nexus
3 mins
50 gold

The Obsidian Sanctum
less then 5 mins
100 gold

The Ruby Sanctum
7 mins
90 gold


Some raids are annoying, like: Ulduar, Onyxia's Lair.

You can't solo CATA raids! If you have 500+ gear, maybe you can kill the thrash mobs only, but not the bosses.

DUNGEONS are repeatable, 10 runs per hour is the limit. Here is some:

Lost City of the Tol'vir CATA
6-7 mins
90-100 gold
repeatable: 1 hour ~ 900 gold

Gundrak WOTLK
5 mins
50-70 gold
repeatable: 1 hour ~ 600 gold

Only heroic dungeons of BC are even effective, but these have 1 hour reset. Completing them in turn, could be a good strategy, but requires lots of traveling.


Pets drop in RAIDS, but if you think you can sell them for 5k each, you are wrong. If you are lucky, you will get 1500-3000 for a new pet. The price of the old pets between 10 and 300 gold. Most of the time other players will undercut you, and your auction will be expired. You will be forced to lower the price.


Production professions are completely useless at 90, forget them. For example, jewelcrafting: you can create rings, necklaces, trinkets, gems. All trash. Nobody will buy anything from you. Maybe if you put these on AH for 1-2 gold. :p Usually this doesn't help either. Only collecting professions profitable: skinning, herbalism and mining.

Collecting materials requires a fast flying mount (neither riding skills nor flying licenses are cheap). Not all materials are in demand: for example Fel Iron Ore is always sellable, but Adamantite Ore isn't. Cobalt ore is always sellable, but Saronite Ore isn't.

Collecting 200 minerals takes around 45-60 mins. The leveling materials are the important ones.

Fel Iron Ore, Cobalt Ore: 1200-1500 gold (always sell)
Adamantite Ore, Saronite Ore: 600-800 gold (barely sell)
Obsidium Ore: 1000-1200 gold (always sells)
Elementium Ore 800-1000 gold (sometimes sell)
Ghost Iron Ore 150-300 gold (there are too many in AH)

Conclusion: if you want be rich, you should buy the latest expansion (it's WoD currently), level & gear up 100 characters, build up their garrisons. Complete garrison missions, clear out CATA raids, do crafting professions (jewelcrafting, enchanting), etc.

Agree with this, very valuable info. Altho I wouldn't say Ony is annoying, I always found it nice.
And you're soooo right about the pets. Best chance is have WoD and farm the new pets, even lvl them to 25. Just selling the old pets is not gonna get you too far. Ofc there are pets that seem to not lose their "cool" status, such as the emerald whelpling (and other whelplings), and those sell for more, at least on my server.
Conclusion: if you want be rich, you should buy the latest expansion (it's WoD currently), level & gear up 100 characters, build up their garrisons. Complete garrison missions, clear out CATA raids, do crafting professions (jewelcrafting, enchanting), etc.

Everytime I read a post of you I think "man this guy deserves so much more votes". Your contributions are very helpful and apprechiated. Thanks

Agree with this, very valuable info.

Yeah, nice info. I had a go at the BoT trash farm with a tailor and that was ok. It was under 1k an hour, but I managed to make lots of frostweave bags and enchants for my, er, alts.

I have managed to use my Garrison quite effectively during the trial period to sell a couple of crafted epics and Gift of enchants. The prices have come down a lot since launch, but still in the 1-2k range on my server.

Oh, and WoD is available for 25% off at the moment!
It seems super expensive... we'll have to see. I think the market is about to crash. 20 bucks to get 30k gold seems like an insane deal if you can find a buyer. I imagine a lot of people will be doing this and the price per token is going to go way down. If that's the case I'll probably partake.

That would be more likely if they were actually going to let the value of the token float, but I don't think the system they have for assessing token worth is going to be that responsive.
It seems super expensive... we'll have to see. I think the market is about to crash. 20 bucks to get 30k gold seems like an insane deal if you can find a buyer. I imagine a lot of people will be doing this and the price per token is going to go way down. If that's the case I'll probably partake.

If anything the price should go up. 30k for 20$ is too low.

That would be more likely if they were actually going to let the value of the token float, but I don't think the system they have for assessing token worth is going to be that responsive. should have some interesting numbers soon. That time to sell value is interesting, but might be a default.
I wanted to try it out. Bought a token for $20 4 hours ago... put it on AH and the page said it would take 30m to 2h @ 30k.... it's 4 hours later, it's still not sold and the current price is 26k now. On top of that, the reason I bought it was to buy something on a server that had a BVB for 10k... It sold 1 hour and 30 minutes after I created a level 1 and bought the token. :(

Edit: The token shows in the "auctions" tab and has been sitting on "short" for the last couple of hours.
I wanted to try it out. Bought a token for $20 4 hours ago... put it on AH and the page said it would take 30m to 2h @ 30k.... it's 4 hours later, it's still not sold and the current price is 26k now. On top of that, the reason I bought it was to buy something on a server that had a BVB for 10k... It sold 1 hour and 30 minutes after I created a level 1 and bought the token. :(

Edit: The token shows in the "auctions" tab and has been sitting on "short" for the last couple of hours.

I thought that Blizzard were setting it at the fixed price to start with (and keeping it at 30k) while they adopted a wait-and-see-approach. Seems like this isn't the case and people aren't buying. Mid week lull, maybe?

The graph isn't looking good for you:

as a potential buyer, it is better to wait for prices to drop. as a potential seller, sell now since you get whatever price it shows when you put it up, not when it is sold.
I think the main reason the gold price is going down is that people that want to buy know it's going down. That, and not everyone has the 25k (price at time of posting) to buy one. I know I just spent most of my gold recently buying all the heirlooms, and have no way of getting more gold without game time. I'm sure I'm not alone there. As time goes by though, I'm sure there will be more buyers. It remains to be seen what the market will end up as, but I remember paying 10-20k for game time and RaF rewards. Of course I also remember people selling things like that with fake credit cards, and Blizz taking items and RaF time and rewards away.
Soloing the Cata raids is doable at lvl 90, you just need upgraded timeless gear. Normal 10 man only, heroics or 25man are suicide missions tho.
Expensive my ass. With a lvl 100 toon you can make that gold with ease in the 30 days sub.

30k golds means nothing in the current state of the game when boe mounts at AH are between 200k-500k even more.
[MENTION=24555]Quint[/MENTION] soloing cata raids is fairly Easy on 90 with the right classes atleast.
The way i did it.

If you don't have problem leveling to 100, level as much as possible, but 2 chars @ 100 are enough for 30k+ per month.
You will need salvage yard lvl 3 in your garrison.

Basically what you gonna do is just do garrison daily mining/herb works and followers missions.

Level up followers, make good combination of their abilities and more important, traits. Build Inn so you can recruit followers weekly with chosen ability/trait.

Now, what I do every day : Log in morning, do daily mining/herb and collect full professions/gladiator sanctum work orders and send followers to as much as possible missions - For both chars you will do it in less then hour.
Log at evening, lot missions rewards and send again followers to as much as possible missions. They will all be done till you wake up. - Takes less then 15 min.
Once you stack enough salvage boxes, open them. Personally , i disenchant only blue BOP items, sell some rare on AH, and everything else vendor.

Now, only from garrison missions, salvage boxes(they contain gold among other things) and items i sold to a vendor i get around 15-20k in 3 weeks, per ONE char.
2 chars = 30k+ in 3 weeks.

I didn't count in :
-mats for sale
-items you can make with professions and sell
-rare items from salvage you can sell on AH
(Gold you make from these things you can save up for your twink gear/ench,etc.)

With 2 chars, you can easy make 30k for token in less then month, spending only hour per day. With more chars will take more time, but you will gain more gold.

At beginning this ain't easy, you will need around 2 weeks just to level up chars(depends how fast you leveling), followers, build up garrison to lvl 3. So if you planing something short term, don't do this. But if you planing on playing for more then few months, this is way to go.

I hope this will help someone :)
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Update: I got the 30k that the estimate told me when I put the token up. It happened 6 or more hours after I posted it, but eventually it happened.

So you'll get the gold that Blizzard set when you posted the auction, not the current rate when it sells.
The reason the the tokens are selling for less is because there is a glut of them in the market right now. Naturally when there is too much of something on the market the prices will drop. As time goes on the prices will stabilize. This weekend the prices may even be lower( mat prices are lowest on weekends BTW).
CTw is correct, you can easily make 30k/month with 3 level 100s in your Garrison if you have the right setup. In fact you really do not even have to 100s. It is just a matter of doing a daily ritual. It may not sound like much but 300 gold a day x 31=9300x3=27,900 and that is without trading garrison resources and being very conservative.
Now for you guys with MoP, you can try to get the halfhill farm going and farm harmonies. But that will take a long time to get going, a long time indeed.
I have been playing the WoW gold market for a long long time. The token is a really hard one to read.

The reason the the tokens are selling for less is because there is a glut of them in the market right now. Naturally when there is too much of something on the market the prices will drop. As time goes on the prices will stabilize. This weekend the prices may even be lower( mat prices are lowest on weekends BTW).
CTw is correct, you can easily make 30k/month with 3 level 100s in your Garrison if you have the right setup. In fact you really do not even have to 100s. It is just a matter of doing a daily ritual. It may not sound like much but 300 gold a day x 31=9300x3=27,900 and that is without trading garrison resources and being very conservative.
Now for you guys with MoP, you can try to get the halfhill farm going and farm harmonies. But that will take a long time to get going, a long time indeed.
I have been playing the WoW gold market for a long long time. The token is a really hard one to read.


I agree, gold is real easy. I have over 900k scattered around from just playing the AH.

The only reason I bought a token for $20 was a) to try it and b) because I didn't have gold on a server that had a BVB for 10k yesterday. What I should have done was transfer a toon to get the BVB since it sold before the token sold. :(

Edit: PS. I made 1.2k in 1 hour of doing quests in Draenor this weekend. Gold is easy.
I wonder if the best time to purchase would be right when the servers come online... They are at 23k right now.
I would not be suprised if Blizzard reset the price every server reset. Lol...

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View attachment 5659

When did it become possible to directly convert gold to game time and skip buying a token? Or is this showing me the price of a token currently up in the AH?


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