To the Horde.

I understand that players can't compete against my guild, but does that really mean that you have to faction change just so we can carry you?


Faction change to Alliance, not Horde!
Fuck that, kill anybody you can. I don't care if you wanna be a flamer and dance around WSG, don't fucking queue if you are going to be a bitch about it.
Pizza said:
I understand that players can't compete against my guild, but does that really mean that you have to faction change just so we can carry you?


Faction change to Alliance, not Horde!

Yes like Feenin said, Most alliance twinks are going horde... So you'll eventually run out of alliance to play.

But when you play games against 4 BiS Hunters (they all the same -.-) and 4 Holy/Prot/Ret Healing pallies, makes games a tad bit boring getting rolled constantly.

If my guild were BiS holy pallies and Hunters and that's all we ran, then sure we'd win every time. Play some alts for a change that aren't hunters... oh wait... then you'd lose:/

But this thread isn't to cry about hunters and holy pallies or whatever type of pally heals are better now.

Its to thank the horde players who have sympathy for the remaining alliance that still try.

Your cocky attitude and comment on my thread wasn't needed. You contribute to the problem by playing your hunter just like everyone else.

Miss the days when healers would hide behind the warriors and prot pallies, but now its hide behind the hunters.

QQ post done.
SSB64 said:
Fuck that, kill anybody you can. I don't care if you wanna be a flamer and dance around WSG, don't fucking queue if you are going to be a bitch about it.

lolololol k.
I can't even remember the last time we queued with a pally, and only pizza and beau ever pug on their hunters. Although I guess spreading misinformation is fun.
Rivfader said:
I can't even remember the last time we queued with a pally, and only pizza and beau ever pug on their hunters. Although I guess spreading misinformation is fun.

I'm not spreading "misinformation", When I said the 4 BiS Hunters/Pallies. It's from all servers.

I only ever see pallies and hunters from bleeding hollow. Its the truf
Rivfader said:
when we queue 3+ we win, when your guild queues 3+ this is what happens

you mad? :p

Damn........................................... thats alot of druids!
Shit, didn't notice it until you mentioned it. Drood ftw.

Too bad those are all probably negrows except one.
The Biggest reason hordes always winning is because first off, more skilled players are one there. We've all established this already. But also because many noobs rolling hunters, pallies, and priests, are horde and follow the group. Not saying alliance doesnt do this because yea we do too, but i tend to see far more overpowered classes on the Horde side.
Dutchman said:
The Biggest reason hordes always winning is because first off, more skilled players are one there. We've all established this already. But also because many noobs rolling hunters, pallies, and priests, are horde and follow the group. Not saying alliance doesnt do this because yea we do too, but i tend to see far more overpowered classes on the Horde side.

Sure about that?

Bifactional was my solution.

Though it is annoying when I get killed by the person I healed earlier.

Nice/Cries/Jezi - Garona
Opinion said:
Shit, didn't notice it until you mentioned it. Drood ftw.

Too bad those are all probably negrows except one.

I see what you did there...

But ya, I'd like to think the hunter issue varies game to game for both factions but I've noticed Horde has less PuG healers that aren't bracket known. Every healer that has helped me FC has come from my guild or I've seen around the forums.
Good alliance players need to stop faction changing horde, I've seen countless players go horde because "alli sucks". Well, alliance will never prevail if you all f change to horde.

elytê said:
I've seen countless players go horde because "alli sucks".

You'd think it's the other way around in the Twink community. People looking for a challange (and more importanty, not making the problem worse). :confused:

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