To all of the people that say "don't bother joining a BG with under 1k health"


Suck it :p


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Less health= less stats on most occasions. Since armor comes with offense stats AND healthy. Also scoreboard does not matter. You could have went around me killing 600hp people that aren't good. Unless you're a glass shooter, under 1k hp is unacceptable and can easily be improved.
There's no point in poking this at people making a reasonable suggestion to people in their bgs who are most likely new and don't know that under 1k hp is 2 shots or less. If you can do well with less hp more power to you, but idk why any 20 would gimp themselves more than they already have been by trial restrictions.

Only way I can see this happening is if half the other team had worse gear anyways, a warr with 900 hp is not gonna kill any decent hunt with 1.6k.
I've kept a rogue with 200 health and rez sickness alive and he went on to cap the flag. I've seen a druid with 500 health cap the flag untouched with everyone in mid. Can you do stuff in bgs with less than 1k health? Yes. Is it always going to work? No. Would it be better if you got to the crappy minimum? Yes.

I've seen people with more than 1500 health get one shot by Anotherrogue (that guy that saps the healer and then ambushes the fc with one of those huge bombs). In general we say that 1k health is the starting point in this bracket. It usually means that you've ran all the dungeons at least once and have just had some bad luck. Most people can survive decently with heals with 1k, and you're practically at 1k anyways. But it's once you get past that point that you really start seeing your power improve. It's a helluva lot more fun! Trust me on this.
Holy $hit! I never knew how many trolls were on these forums lmao. I haven't seen one nice comment. And no, I did not have a pocket healer. And no, I did not go around killing people with 500hp. Matter of fact, the pally that was under me was a BiS level 24 and ive killed him the most outta everyone else. And I was playing the objective. I just stayed outside helping our flag carrier make it to the other side and killing there people with there flag carrier. I'm not trying to brag or put anyone down. I'm just making a statement that you do not have to be fully geared to make a difference. Just play for fun :)
and to make it clear to everyone. i am working on gearing my warrior up. i Just made him 3 days ago
Holy $hit! I never knew how many trolls were on these forums lmao. I haven't seen one nice comment.

What did you expect for a response to a post where your only text was "Suck it"? It wasn't trolling, they were rational responses to a useless post of a scoreboard with no context. If you were playing objectively, then you should see from your image that scoreboards aren't indicative of a good game. It may not have been the case, but all I see from that image is your teammates capping and returning flags while you pick off 700 HP people playing in first person person view.

Tárnished @ Bloodhoof - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Looks like a BiS 24 pally to me -_-

I'm just going out on a limb and guessing that the armories of the allies with 8-12 deaths wouldn't exactly work in your favor either.
I said "Suck it" as saying I proved my point. Not to be a dick. and you may not be trolling but you are definitely hating lol. I just got done saying I wasnt going around kill people at 700hp. and it was a close game. We came back and won it.
My bad on the pally thing tho. I was just told by someone in my BG that he was a BiS 24.
and theres no dought that youre a hater :cool:
Yup, I'm a hater. You shouldn't give people the idea that coming in undergeared is acceptable in such a gear-dependent game. I'm glad you had a good game like that, but it doesn't need to be broadcast and it probably isn't how most of your games work out. I don't troll or hate undergeared people in BGs, I politely recommend gearing up a bit and direct them here for help if they need it. That shouldn't be necessary for someone who's actually part of the community.

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