TL vs real id premade!

there will be no premade
Cause u and ur guild farmed my team mate's in bgs till they rage quit cba now
there will be no premade
Cause u and ur guild farmed my team mate's in bgs till they rage quit cba now
that is really sad.....
if you mean this, then alright................... i honestly did not expect this.
I guess it's cancelled then, telling my team that they don't have to be online at that date then
there will be no premade
Cause u and ur guild farmed my team mate's in bgs till they rage quit cba now

Honestly im not surprised, Roula follow his fellow guild members trace and pulling a dodge, and to blame it on Tough Love is just sad, grow some balls

and there is no way you can replace this 4 people that cudnt show up ? and the 4 people who actually decided to jump off can we get names? because i doubt they actually jumped off because Tough Love gy contain?
Honestly im not surprised, Roula follow his fellow guild members trace and pulling a dodge, and to blame it on Tough Love is just sad, grow some balls

and there is no way you can replace this 4 people that cudnt show up ? and the 4 people who actually decided to jump off can we get names? because i doubt they actually jumped off because Tough Love gy contain?
aye names please. and don't blame it on us that players are bailing
Your attitude towards someone that is actually giving you a chance to play vs someone out of good will is just wow ... and you really dare to wonder why no one in this bracket outside your guild wants to play with or vs you
Your attitude towards someone that is actually giving you a chance to play vs someone out of good will is just wow ... and you really dare to wonder why no one in this bracket outside your guild wants to play with or vs you

Well he started broadcast spam blaming Tough Love for making 4 people quit, then he wudnt give us names and now he says thats not the reason he cancelled it, i mean give us the truth,

all respect to Roula even trying to fix a real id premade together for real, but there must be players to replace this (4 players that we dont have any names of) and if there is not its rly sad cus we all was looking forward to this :)
I'm sorry guys, i bailed out

dont blame roula but blame me
idk and idc bout the other ppl who stopped, but i cba

but dont blame roula he tried to fix a team go ahead and flame for fuckin it up
stubs as i said give me some time to fix another players just stop and i didnt spam broadcast i only said ''stop ruining this bracket'' thats all
i love you roula, dont bail on us arabro
a lot of roula's team mates are dodging and jumping off less than 24hours before it's happening. What is this? Couldn't you at least have told him before so he had a chance to replace you guys?? stand up for yourselves and play with him if you told him you would....
This sounds like WT v NA all over again. Cowardice.

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