all the holiday titles are attainable if you have a P2P linked with your F2P account
e.g. Love Fool, Hallowed, Brewmaster, the Merrymaker etc etc
same with Argent Champion
all of the Archeology ones are doable
also Chef and Salty and Bloodsail Admiral too
i think Exalted and Insane are also possible
note that while dungeon/raid titles are account-wide (e.g. Champion of Frozen Wastes, Defender of SHattered World, the Immortal, Undying, etc), they do not activate for toons who haven't met the level requirement for the dungeons/raids (e.g. Lv80 for Wotlk titles and Lv85 for the Cata titles)
@Salfir sweetie, he said P2P in his title

so i think he means if he has a P2P linked with his F2P