Tired of pugs. Let's premade.


Make it so.

If you're one of the vocal complainers on alliance, group up.
Let's stop just letting it be a thing to get all pissy about for weeks on end. See if there's enough to field a team. Figure out who needs to roll what.

I'm volunteering to fill for *any* ally team as:

Ohdontmindme @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - arms war
Djfistgodx @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - WW -- not going to be a BMFC in a premade lol, get an rdruid they have it a billion times easier.
Igotrocks @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - demo or UA
Thisissohard @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - the rogue I'll probs be rolling this sat
Djwarfgodx @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - healer

Can also make horde as:

Moomercy @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - healer, will not play shadow.
Ignoremepls @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft - Frost/fire, can spec arcane(tho I honestly feel like frost is better with pet nova and kick not locking out literally everything)
Imhustlin @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft - pls no, I hate playing stupid OP hunters, but can still fill the slot if it's needed.
and a horde boomkin I'm still working on in my spare time.


I can make Friday nights > all day saturday > saturday nights.

I still like 39s, but I'm really sick and tired of pugs and the community that thinks pugs are ever going to really be competitive.

Please, if you're constantly complaining about horde being playing like a premade and ally being a bunch of disjointed scrubs, join up and work together. I know there are at least 10 decent/good alliance players, lets just get on at the same time instead of 1-2 at a time.
It's already going to be more difficult in the beginning until people figure out what's expected of them. 3 hours should drastically improve. I for 1 will not be inviting people back who didn't show up atleast 10 minutes early. And, if you would like another chance you need to be on 15 minutes early. ..in TS...and verbal. ..you might not get picked the first week but you are building trust again.

More premades ate in the works. I suggest you add myself livingforce and any other GM you can think of if you want in.
It's finally become evident to me that premading is realistically the only recourse. I very much wanted pugs to be a thing though. I suspect, as was alluded to, that premading is likely limited to participation in the above two teams. I've let my sub run, good luck with the premades.
I suspect, as was alluded to, that premading is likely limited to participation in the above two teams

What grounds do you have to suspect that?

There were only 3 people on the ally team that ever even play pugs. Nothing's stopping even you from bucking up and trying to form your own. And, like shook said, we're not looking for RBGs, we're looking for wargames. Good comps facing good comps, with good players.

I don't happen to be the best decision for trying to build a team due to the fact I have a full time job and live on the opposite side of the planet compared to most, or I would be. I'm writing this at work right this second. I also couldn't make any weeknight games like the full-time nerds could set up.

If you're quitting the game because pugs are bad and you cba to try and wargame though, peace. One less (I think?) decent player/healer on alliance side to go around.
Count me in, tis what I've been waiting for.

Last games were a good showing of the fact that the #s are there, just gotta organize and have people come through.

Wargames should have a specific night, tbd of course

Oh and everyone should have cross faction toons by now, so this should be an all inclusive event night.
If you're quitting the game because pugs are bad and you cba to try and wargame though, peace. One less (I think?) decent player/healer on alliance side to go around.

Pug quality matters to me man but I've muttered about that a nauseating amount on TI already. I also quite like arenas which aren't a thing anymore (I tragically couldn't find a team for them on my last night, rip). I could make a bunch of excuses but basically CBA making my own wargame team for a couple different reasons. Lastly and most importantly, I've come to the conclusion that 39 game play is not even mechanically that much fun in this expac.
Lastly and most importantly, I've come to the conclusion that 39 game play is not even mechanically that much fun in this expac.

All valid and understandable reasons. I think it's a lot more fun than 19s and 29s, and the people, however frustratingly not-quite-up-to-par they may be, are still better than 90-99 Brazilians or F2Ps.

Gonna suck to have even less people playing viable healers on ally side, but nobody's gonna try to force you to do shit you don't enjoy/want to do.

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