Tips to Avoid Cross-Faction Battleground Farming: It Starts With You!


This was originally a reply for the "So farming.." topic created by Nohealsforju.

Note: This tips are from an Alliance players perspective. Even though I'm currently rolling AP Horde, All of my topics tend to carry an Alliance perspective because I've played Alliance for a little over 5 years. By no means do I intend on sounding Biased.

Farming happens in every bracket, and both factions do it, but here are some tips that can reduce it to a minimum. And by minimum I mean there's still going to be farming, as there is always going to be farming, but by acting responsibly as a community we can reduce the frequency that it occurs. It happens to me all the time, and my team does it all the time. Here are some tips.

-The first and most important tip. Recognizing Farming and it's source. How do I recognize farming?

First you have to understand what ISN'T farming.

Your team has the flag, your flag carrier is leaving their base and your flag carrier isn't past midfield. You have team mates at their graveyard. THIS IS NOT FARMING. You have to get your flag carrier safely across mid, this means blocking people on their way to attack your flag carrier. Even if you can't win, or your defenders are small in numbers. 1-2 players can give your flag carrier enough time to cross mid field.

Now if that's not farming, Than what is?

That about covers it. Other than that, there is no other logical reason to block the opposing factions spawn, unless you're doing it to gain an unfair advantage and mercilessly slay them for small amounts of honor that prove insignificant when you do the math of how much honor you would get from winning more games at a faster pace.

- If there's anything we know about agriculture, It's that farming requires seeds. Seeds? You ask?.

"Hey, don't cap, let's farm 'em"

Every time we faceroll the first two flag captures on either Faction, you'll immediately see this in Battleground Chat. It could happen after the first cap, the second cap, or even when they pick the third flag up in the Horde base. Point is, this is the first generic sign of farming. Here's where you can come in and take preventative message to stop the problem at it's roots.

If you've been in a BG with me, while my team is farming, you'll see that I repeatedly ask them to stop, and tell them it's trashy. 4 times out of 10 it works, however we can't control how people play. The idea is to take that initial remark in battleground chat, and instead of harassing the opposing team by letting inevitability take it's place, you can embarrass the initial player, and keep other players from participating because they don't want to be singled out.

- Not participating. Morally objecting in Battleground Chat.

This pretty much stands for it's self. If you openly object to it, and write meaningful objections into battleground chat, other people might join in, or refrain from doing it all together. Sit in midfield, this should give you enough room to run to hit a member of the opposing faction in case you get flagged for AFK, and just don't participate. As your team's numbers dwindle down, they'll res and give up, or the people remaining will run away from large spawns.

That pretty much covers it. Simple isn't it? We have the unique opportunity to be the majority of a tight-knit bracket and tailor a way of playing the game that's enjoyable for everyone.

We can't control how other people play, we can only choose how we want to play; and remember, it starts with you. Please sticky, This topic can be beneficial for anyone who enjoys playing any bracket. Hope you enjoyed the read, and keep twinking!
or you could just not queue for WSG unless you're in a group, and you just won't ever get farmed, ever, no matter what. want to know how many times i've been farmed since i stopped queuing WSG in this bracket? zero.

Wilwayco said:
We can't control how other people play, we can only choose how we want to play; and remember, it starts with you.

yep. it's amazing how a solution based on individual choice can exist right in front of each individual, and yet they can still blind themselves with enough cognitive dissonance to pretend like it's just not there.

i'll see you guys in WSG. oh wait, no i won't - i'll be too busy doing group pvp with friends and not ever getting farmed no matter what. enjoy your battlegrounds.
C O T U S said:
or you could just not queue for WSG unless you're in a group, and you just won't ever get farmed, ever, no matter what. want to know how many times i've been farmed since i stopped queuing WSG in this bracket? zero.

yep. it's amazing how a solution based on individual choice can exist right in front of each individual, and yet they can still blind themselves with enough cognitive dissonance to pretend like it's just not there.

i'll see you guys in WSG. oh wait, no i won't - i'll be too busy doing group pvp with friends and not ever getting farmed no matter what. enjoy your battlegrounds.

Sure, if you like turning a potential PvP experience into an orgy of pulled punches. As nice as your set-up sounds. Not everyone plays that way. I'm not saying your your idea isn't acceptable or desirable. I'm saying that not everyone wants to do it, so instead of being subtle and telling everyone they're idiots I just tend to take the latter and provide additional options to players who don't find your alternative suitable for their play-styles. It's not C O T U
Wilwayco said:
Sure, if you like turning a potential PvP experience into an orgy of pulled punches. As nice as your set-up sounds. Not everyone plays that way. I'm not saying your your idea isn't acceptable or desirable. I'm saying that not everyone wants to do it, so instead of being subtle and telling everyone they're idiots I just tend to take the latter and provide additional options to players who don't find your alternative suitable for their play-styles. It's not C O T U

what i "like" doing is not getting farmed by 6-7 hunters in a battleground that consists of one long chokepoint that you cannot escape, coupled with a graveyard that is walled on 3 sides so you cannot escape from being farmed by said hunters.

since i don't like this, i make an individual choice to avoid it. it's like magic - i want something, i recognize a solution that will give me what i want, and then i carry it out! just like that! it's almost like how real people make decisions in real life!

if, like me, you want to not get farmed, STOP QUEUING WSG BY YOURSELF. i'm not trying to be "subtle" here - if you keep queuing WSG by yourself, and keep getting farmed, you are, in fact, an idiot.

@Jdoring - usually during the afternoons or evenings pacific time, when other people are on to group with. add me to friends and have someone whisper me so i can add your character as well.
And I respect that. But telling players the solution is "right in front of their faces" isn't the kosher way to go about it. You're posting in my topic, saying they it's completely preventable, and I agree because it is. Some people just don't prefer to play that way, and they're going to post topics about it on our forums regardless of play-styles like yours that are in theory, optimal. I'm simply providing information on how to improve the raw, gritty PvP that a lot of people enjoy.

I didn't mean to offend you, or disparage your cause, but please post your opinion in your own topic, as opposed to in this topic, which is simply an alternative to your choice. It's a tip's topic, not a debate, and these are solid preventative measures to make the PuG side of any bracket more enjoyable. I'm not saying that you have no right to post your opinion in this topic, I'm saying it's redundant because I'm offering a method with no intention of defending it or conversing about it. These are tips that have been proven to work for ME on occasion.

I hope you have a nice night, C O T U S. :)
sorry, i'm just the kind of person who is actually interested in solving problems. the problem of incessant farming of defenseless players in this bracket is a problem that is really, really easily solved. not "solved" as in "asking people nicely to not farm in bg chat", but "solved" as in......a 100% elimination of the problem.

i just cannot take other people seriously who complain about something but are at the same time unwilling to take easy, proven steps that solve the problem. i'm not referring to you (you are certainly not complaining about it), but to the countless other people on this forum who are constantly whining about being farmed in this bracket.

a solution IS right in front of their faces. it is each person's own choice as to whether or not they actually want to solve their problems. it is absolutely ridiculous that we have soooooo much whining on this forum about this issue that should be a complete non-issue.
i just could not resist a thread entitled "tips to avoid cross-faction battleground farming: it starts with you!", because it's soooo true....people just aren't willing to solve their own problems themselves! they just magically want them to go away. it's always the same, whether it's playing videogames on the internet or dealing with stuff in real life.

at least you are willing to make suggestions instead of just whining about a preventable problem, which is more than i can say about 99.9% of the other people who post on this forum. thanks
Stabbedurazz said:
All you have to do to prevent farming is litterally go take the flag and cap it until you win. This makes the misery of the other team quick and painless. You can throw in some harsh words to your team while you are doing it too :)

That's the end result of what I'm encouraging.

That about covers it. Other than that, there is no other logical reason to block the opposing factions spawn, unless you're doing it to gain an unfair advantage and mercilessly slay them for small amounts of honor that prove insignificant when you do the math of how much honor you would get from winning more games at a faster pace.
I really wish the AP group will set up a time they all want to play, instead of just running premades. You're leaving people like me, who aren't on AP, out to dry. I'm not saying that the set time is the ONLY time players should play this bg or that bg, but it would save me and many others the trouble of constantly matching with people who can't pvp their way out of a wet paper bag.
Shockur said:
Cotus, I said it in your other thread, your suggestion is a way to AVOID the problem and NOT SOLVE it.

this is just false, sorry man.

you guys have two options: 1. either don't queue WSG at all, or 2. only queue WSG with a group

since some people seem to think that not queuing *at all* is "avoiding" the problem, perhaps you would feel better about yourself if you still queued, only with a group. this is also a perfectly viable option, and also solves the problem with a 100% success rate
Shfthappens said:
I really wish the AP group will set up a time they all want to play, instead of just running premades. You're leaving people like me, who aren't on AP, out to dry. I'm not saying that the set time is the ONLY time players should play this bg or that bg, but it would save me and many others the trouble of constantly matching with people who can't pvp their way out of a wet paper bag.

yep, i suggested this too, and promptly got it shot down by self-pitying whiners who "don't want other people to tell them when and what to play" (you can check the other thread yourself to verify the multiple people who posted this).

Sadly there is and never will be a way to solve it. Just have to do what we can, and cope.

i'm honestly beginning to think you're just a troll
You're running from a problem haha, not providing solutions to anything except creating a false feeling for a real PvP experience. Like I said in my first reply to you, it ends up being an orgy of pulled punches. It's not real bracket-pvp. If you're scared of the bracket don't play in it.
Wilwayco said:
You're running from a problem haha, not providing solutions to anything except creating a false feeling for a real PvP experience. Like I said in my first reply to you, it ends up being an orgy of pulled punches. It's not real bracket-pvp. If you're scared of the bracket don't play in it.

no. this could not be wrong in any more ways than it already is.

what are you even talking about? "real pvp experience"? you think that a "real pvp experience" is solo queuing for what is supposed to be a video-game representation of capture the flag, and instead getting 6-7 godmode ranged classes farming you in your own spawn point while there is nothing AT ALL you can do about it?

"scared of the bracket"? are you kidding me buddy? you rolled an alliance ret paladin and you posted a thread about "preventing farming", then made another thread in which you posted a screenshot of you specifically farming.

what a complete and utter joke

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