Tip to make sure people stay in 29 twinks


Hey I used to play about March time as a a few twinks as I have about 5 I got about 6-7 of my friends playing on it and we were getting many pops

But you guys are extremely skilled and geared. and when me and my friends played and were probably as a group well geared and slightly above average skill but as we played the horde trounced us i mean absolute 3- 0 most game with the good people playing

And the alliance on our side kept calling us the tarren mill noobs. Since then you lost 6-7 active players who queued religiously for pops because my friends weren’t as passionate as I and did not stand for the abuse. I myself played a few more weeks but then left.

i also noticed when we didn’t out right lose and it was a much more fun game we weren’t playing with so many elites and the horde had a few people like us but after a while they went away as we did. i made a post earlier about trying to advertise twinks to the servers for new people and there were a few comments saying that we don’t want mouse clicking noobs and were very judgmental on who should join the twink community. and it made me think is that how the "tarren mill noobs" were viewed.

Point being you must accept that the elite amazing players are already here in your community they are hardcore and therefore are here if you ever want consistent pops you will have to get people like me on board (a noob if you want to call me that) and train them and if there is an imbalance and one side is wiping the other to make it fun take some gear of so its an even fight. i keep checking this site so when the twinks do thrive again i will join and hopefully be able to get my friends into it as well but you need to advertise and train noobs if you ever want those pops.
I think by the very nature of what we do gives of the impression of elitism. I would guess what people get annoyed at is,

in-experienced people joining Battlegrounds and basically not having a clue at the objectives of the game and also not understanding the "known etiquette" that a lot of the older players obide by.

Because Horde side has so many of the old players, we generally just know how to counter the opposition and anticipate how the game is going. Where as the alliance without a clear leader, seem like a pack of stray sheep, aimlessly picking people off without clear amibition of what they should be doing.

The issue is that when we do get pops, we dont want to be trying to teach people simple objectives in a battleground that quite simply, people join because they think their the best/have best gear/best enchants/best consumbles for that bracket. There things that if you've gone to the effort of joining exp off battlegrounds, your expected to know.

That being said, it's quite annoying from the point of view of guild leaders from well known twinking servers to see massive amounts of people join from other servers, not geared correctly, not BiS, not enchanted correctly because of the constant advertised help we offer to anyone wanting to get into twinking. Darkmoon Faire and Draenor have massive twinking communities begging people to join them and offering them GOLD, GEAR, LEVELLING HELP and everything you could possibly ever want or need to play with us.

We all have wealths of knowledge that anyone of us would be more than happy to share but we cant do that in the short time that we're in a Battleground for. We need more players to be able to do Wargames (in which we can show, tips, tricks, strategies) or do premade battlegrounds.

It's SO infuriating offering all this and people still dont accomodate our offers but then complain about lack of help.

Having people on the same server solve all these issues.
I find it interesting that European 29's have the same issue U.S. 29's have, and have the same open offers from vets about funding that no one takes advantage off.
yes you offer help but if a noob like me joins and doesnt kknow how to play how long do you think it would take to get as elite as a skilled player such as yourself id say its not a overnight thing im thinking probably months. not only that it wasnt just me who is a noob i was with other noobs and we were all on the server talking to you guys. we got slaughtered i mean there is no way to learn in an enviroment like that. all im saying is try talk or make it easier if you notice your slaughtering new players in pops then talk to em after if ya can. cause they may not know about your help or think you will only help if they are on your server. and i myself wouldnt wanna pay money to transfer to a new server and i would like to have a main on the server that i twink on. for people like me who are server bound but still want to play to pop try talk to em after and make it a enviroment where you can learn.
It's very...very rare anyone in this game takes help and I'm not joking. Apart from you who obviously is looking for some guidance, I can almost 100% guarantee that if I saw someone doing something wrong and offered to help them, I'd have it thrown back in my face in no time at all.

Here's a few examples of what I would I'd expect to see:

Nub, im nt doin nuffing wrong, your a f***ing nub.

Wat do you no? Nub

Nub nub noooooob nub nooooob nubnubnubnubnub. /ignore

F*** off

Piss off

Go f*** yourself nub

You get the general idea. I mean the day to day player base of this game are complete elitist assholes and even when proven wrong they still in most cases think their right. People dont like being wrong, especially on a game because they believe accepting help is a reflection on the intelligence and people dont like that.

If you want help, you want to be better, want to learn and progress dont ever expect people to do it for you - you have to go after knowledge yourself. Actively seek guidance because no one else will do it for you.

Want some help, send me a mail, ask me questions, I'll even log and chat but there is no i will ever pick up on someones faults and try to help them because as stated, I'd be shooting myself in the foot.

US 29s have tended to be a little elitist...I think its because after the BG merge when lots of Rampage players headed to Dragonmaw and the "2nd era" if you will of 29 twinks started. Between <WE ARE RAMPAGE>, wtscrits guild (what was that called?) and then HARD and DetoX everyone got really competitive, between diff factions and even diff guilds in the same faction. I dont think that SUPER SRS BSNS attitude has ever completely worn off

its fun when you want to play competitively but tbh I do enjoy a chill, less srs game every once in a while
Laura said:
yes you offer help but if a noob like me joins and doesnt kknow how to play how long do you think it would take to get as elite as a skilled player such as yourself id say its not a overnight thing im thinking probably months. not only that it wasnt just me who is a noob i was with other noobs and we were all on the server talking to you guys. we got slaughtered i mean there is no way to learn in an enviroment like that. all im saying is try talk or make it easier if you notice your slaughtering new players in pops then talk to em after if ya can. cause they may not know about your help or think you will only help if they are on your server. and i myself wouldnt wanna pay money to transfer to a new server and i would like to have a main on the server that i twink on. for people like me who are server bound but still want to play to pop try talk to em after and make it a enviroment where you can learn.

In the time that my offer has been open mid bc until now i have had a grand total of 3 people take me up on it, one of them was a hardcore 29 twink to begin with who wanted to re roll.

I used to recruit folks out of random bg's but those days are long gone.

As i said the first time i posted my offer, i don't care what yoru skill lvl is.
Subpar said:
US 29s have tended to be a little elitist...I think its because after the BG merge when lots of Rampage players headed to Dragonmaw and the "2nd era" if you will of 29 twinks started. Between <WE ARE RAMPAGE>, wtscrits guild (what was that called?) and then HARD and DetoX everyone got really competitive, between diff factions and even diff guilds in the same faction. I dont think that SUPER SRS BSNS attitude has ever completely worn off

its fun when you want to play competitively but tbh I do enjoy a chill, less srs game every once in a while

Playing with detox and hard during those summer/fall months when things were active enough to get nightly games was literally the most fun I've had while twinking, as well as some of the best games.

I guess sometimes I wish that people played with that same skill level now, in terms of positioning and getting offense going. Ventrilo has been a HUGE help, and when the majority of the horde or alliance are in a channel you can see the difference in team play.
Ohai said:
Playing with detox and hard during those summer/fall months when things were active enough to get nightly games was literally the most fun I've had while twinking, as well as some of the best games.

I guess sometimes I wish that people played with that same skill level now, in terms of positioning and getting offense going. Ventrilo has been a HUGE help, and when the majority of the horde or alliance are in a channel you can see the difference in team play.

Yeah it was great, definitely made the server/faction xfer worth it..the games were amazing. i wish i was still a gnome though ;_:
Laura said:
tarren mill noobs

LOL, this is what keeps you up late at night?

Laura said:
elite amazing players.

I think a lot of them confuse "elitist" with "elite". 8)

But in response to your main point, yes, "noobs" are needed in games. I don't believe elitist players purchased fully geared toons and never were "noobs" themselves. The rational ones will get this and ought to be understanding and helpful.

Back in Vanilla, you were all noobs. <3
Oknobpolisher said:
LOL, this is what keeps you up late at night?

I think a lot of them confuse "elitist" with "elite". 8)

But in response to your main point, yes, "noobs" are needed in games. I don't believe elitist players purchased fully geared toons and never were "noobs" themselves. The rational ones will get this and ought to be understanding and helpful.

Back in Vanilla, we were all noobs. <3


Oknobpolisher said:
I don't believe elitist players purchased fully geared toons and never were "noobs" themselves. The rational ones will get this and ought to be understanding and helpful.

Back in Vanilla, you were all noobs. <3

You want to know what made me learn and get better? Being called terrible in game and on the forums. It happened more times than I can remember. I geared up better and played better until I either beat the idiots calling me bad, or until I gained some (lolinternet) respect.

That's how it went for possibly 70% of the current twinks, and its why when you come in and say we aren't being polite/kind/caring/particularly constructive, its hard to adjust how we offer criticism. We've been playing for years, and giving each other shit the whole time. I think there have been multiple times that me and FCftl have called each other trash, I know that me and huargo went at it, me and kao, me and tap (both of them). What can I say, if I'm not calling someone bad, well that's no fun. I do it and expect people to step their games up, not get vindictive to the point of not helping me.

Thats just a view from my perspective though, I'm not trying to reopen (lolinternet) "Hostilities".
Ohai said:
You want to know what made me learn and get better? Being called terrible in game and on the forums. It happened more times than I can remember. I geared up better and played better until I either beat the idiots calling me bad, or until I gained some (lolinternet) respect.

That's how it went for possibly 70% of the current twinks, and its why when you come in and say we aren't being polite/kind/caring/particularly constructive, its hard to adjust how we offer criticism. We've been playing for years, and giving each other shit the whole time. I think there have been multiple times that me and FCftl have called each other trash, I know that me and huargo went at it, me and kao, me and tap (both of them). What can I say, if I'm not calling someone bad, well that's no fun. I do it and expect people to step their games up, not get vindictive to the point of not helping me.

Thats just a view from my perspective though, I'm not trying to reopen (lolinternet) "Hostilities".

This times 1000, I have been called trash more times than i can count, i'm still trash, but i am far better due to the improvements that i was shamed into by being called out in game, on vent and on the forums for my badness.

My first 29 warrior twink was garbage, i had no clue about quest rewards, i had no idea what i was doing, i was called a tard and guess what, my next one was 90% better, i played her for a while and found out about some MORE items i had missed, so i made ANOTHER one, she was nearly perfect, maybe missing 8 stat points, so i made ANOTHER 29 warrior twink, back in the day we didn't have exp off to make it easy back then if you waited to long to start quests, didn't do the die-loot-rez retry you ended up with an imperfect twink, there were many times you would still have to chose between two quest chains because you could not complete both without lvling. Today with exp off when we see someone in anything but the bis currently available we consider it to be by choice.

Nasty calls me bad in vent more than ANYONE else, and I welcome it. If no one calls out anyone we will deteriorate until the skill lvl/objective play in 29 randoms is no better than the skill lvl/objective play in 85 randoms, I don't want that.
/wall o text

im bad, i can admit it, but im not the worst. im playing a class im not familiar with. i will get better and im determined to learn how to improve. i dont know any of you guys really at all. i love to trash talk but im not going to do it with strangers or folks i barely know. if you are going to call me a noob tell me constructively/postively what i need to do to improve. i am not familiar with your humor or general banter, once i get to know you its all good. i think this would apply to most of the new folks like myself, yes you can call me trash/noob/etc. but you damn well have something to say to help me get better along with it. "noob what the f' are you doing?" doesnt help me like "ff the healer" or "stay close to fc." i want to help but i do need some guidance to what you want, i dont read minds. this is a wide open window to mold new folks like myself to cohere with the pvp tactics and play style of the community so please take advantage of that. i twinked back in the days of bc and early wrath gave it up with all the 450 gf gatherers and gf shoulder enchants. twinking made me a much better pvper. i like end game pvp but im coming back here to get better. the best pvpers ive ever played with are here twinking, i want to learn with a group of good players to take my game up to the next level and have some fun at the same time.
Franchi said:
Nasty calls me bad in vent more than ANYONE else, and I welcome it. If no one calls out anyone we will deteriorate until the skill lvl/objective play in 29 randoms is no better than the skill lvl/objective play in 85 randoms, I don't want that.

Baddie ;-D
alliance must be full of nice players or something, besides igotoparties spitting on me over and over before the start of games last night i havnt had anyone rage at me. you horde folks are mean :p
Junai said:
i am not familiar with your humor or general banter, once i get to know you its all good.

I think that is a fantastic point. There are more than a few people who have come across as d-bags to varying degrees with how they communicate on the forums. However, after shooting the shit with them in vent they turn out to be good peoples damn near every time.

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