EU+US Tinkering: What is your definition?


Greatest of all Time
Hey everyone. I'm making this post because after randomly messaging a fellow 19 tinkerer he gave me an answer that i didn't expect, furthermore he got me thinking about what tinkering is to each and every individual. He didn't realize who he was talking to with me being a co-guild master of BGsNeverPop so I decided to act like I knew nothing, to see what i could get out of him.

Here is what the guy said to me after asking him a question:

It got me thinking how my view on what tinkering is over the years. When i started out, i was in the same mindset as him. I wanted the most buffed up gear, with the highest stat gain possible to faceroll none tinkered players in WSG.

As time went on and more people began to make tinks, there become a competitive scene between these tinks. At this point we could queue BGs into other tinks but at the same time there was people who were just leveling through with little to no gear and at this time i remember having a tonne of fun facing 5 tinks on the other team with 5 tinks on my own team. It felt competitive!

Then came XP lock, this forced us tinks to lock our XP when battlegrounds got changed so that completing objectives awarded experience points. This forced us to only be able to queue into other people with their XP locked, and 99.9% of the time these players are other tinks.

This created a further level of competition as the PuG battlegrounds began to become more premade like by the day. Everyone learning to properly fulfill their role correctly, and forever playing to improve and this is where we are at now.

The point in this thread is to think, well this guy is here playing with his friends at level 19 in modern day wow where he has the option to queue into other tinks and play on a more competitive playing field but he chooses to play with his XP on and just doing what we used to do when tinks started out in the beginning: Hold the flag for as long as possible and farm under geared players and try and force them to leave the game.

This brought me over to the forums as I want to ask you guys, what is it that YOU consider to be tinkering? What is your definition? Are you open minded to other styles of tinkering or do you disagree with anything or anyone who doesn't play and/or agree with your definitions?

Twinking (to me) is getting a Character Gear / Achievements / Milestones / etc that they should not be able to have at that Level. This used to mean stupid long Quest chains that you had to pay higher Level Characters to assist with and at the end you got an item that was technically 5-20 Levels beyond you because it had no Level requirement as a Quest reward. Twinks are for show, to show off how good you are at a thing, even if that thing is time/Gold sink. Whether you Twink for PvP / PvE / Bank Alt / RP / etc it's all to show off to others.

Also, gearing BiS Raid gear at Level cap is STILL Twinking, regardless of what some say. You are still trying to get that last +1 iLvL / +1 Stam / etc to make you superior, exactly what lower Level Twinks do.
Twinking is having your character with the best possibly gear, multiple sets, getting items other people cannot using 'mechanical' methods! Its about being the kind of person willing to go that extra mile to separate your character from others.
tinksing is having your character with the best possibly gear, multiple sets, getting items other people cannot using 'mechanical' methods! Its about being the kind of person willing to go that extra mile to separate your character from others.
brownnose and circlejerk as many people as i can with my fake,made up spineless online persona , while treating others in a toxic,cancerous behaviour due to venting my insecurities online ;^)

When I was 13 years old, I started playing WoW (I am nearly 23 now). My friend got me into playing tinks almost immediately into playing. At the time I viewed tinks as a way to have an unparalleled advantage in a PvP setting. I was really big into seeing how big my damage numbers could get and how well I could do in world PvP.

I stopped tinking sometime in BC to start playing max level PvP, something which I have done to this day (though, admittedly, significantly less this expansion). Since I have matured both as a person and as a player, I have viewed tinking in an entirely new way. For me, I tink because I am competitive. I like close games at high skill. The Tink Cup, wargames, and the 2v2 ladder help fulfill this desire.
For me it has never been about gear or achivements or beating up on nongeared players and all about competition. During the exp on days it was still about all the other tinks and the battles u had vs them, the nongeared players just happened to be there and rarely had a large impact on games.

I also started this game playing straight 19s and warsongs/arena late vanilla/early tbc, that was it. Then went on to play endgame arenas and then returned in cata to tinks and never really looked back.

Having played endgame pvp to me it was just a different game + the focus was always on warsong gulch in tinking where as it was neglected at max lvl for competitive play. That combined with a smaller community similiar to the old server/battlegroup rivalries kept me in.

+ I despise levling and most PVE stuff. With twinks it was easy, once u get a decent gear set u where set for the entire expansion, endgame always had chores in order to stay fully updated. I guess I treat wow more like a pure competitive game like Counter Strike, not much for the fluff around and the pve.
I don't PvP as much as some twinks but I know XP On does not have a community like we do, it is also the perfectionist mindset here, and mindless ambition to make this something more.
To me twinking is, achieving goals, set something you really want to achieve: Want 10k HKS on my 10? Better get farming, Do i want all the tabards, better start grinding. For me it's about having fun with other people you play with and that you can achieve something a normal player can't on a certain level, for instance, my 10 is for me my token, my pride as i can call ''autism heeuheuyeue'', but it really is something I am proud of, and i just love to go ganking with 5-10 people and just fuck some lowbies up.
Conclusion: Twinking is the free-mode of WoW, no requirements to honor gear, just your own choice and own ways which makes it so fucking amazing to play.
tinksing is having your character with the best possibly gear, multiple sets, getting items other people cannot using 'mechanical' methods! Its about being the kind of person willing to go that extra mile to separate your character from others.
Well said, Asterias.
Depends on what bracket you're in and what you like to do. I know we are talking 19s specifically but for example I used to be in a big 60 tink guild where we raided every week, no boas allowed etc and it was a lot of fun. On my 70 priest I raided, arena, and did a lot of achievements and on my 70 rogue I just used to arena a lot. I love the challenge in xp off wsg at 19 because most in the bracket are well geared, experienced, and skilled. Plus it's a fun novelty thing to do in wow.

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