<Tier One> of Bladefist US


Server Information

Server: Bladefist
Faction: Alliance
Accepting: All races and classes


The main focus of the guild is PvP, such as world PvP, dueling competitions, and Gurubashi battles, however we will also have some PvE events, such as killing rare elites.
When you join you will be given a small starter kit. If you need help with things like getting Broken Barn Door and Furblog Pouch, ask me and I will be happy to help you. If you need help with enchants, I may be able to help.

If you would like to join or are interested or have questions, you can PM me for my real ID.

Thanks for reading :]
@Sabtah Thanks!
@Boud What do you mean?
I didn't feel like ditching my current twink on my main realm, so I just made another guild.
What people do is there own choice, I don't blame Lipz. If nobody decides to join my guild, it's no skin off my nose. With that said, I'd love some company so we can raid etc. But either way, I'm still going to beat chubs :).
Good luck with that :D
I have past MoP aswell if everything plays out as I've planned. With me testing the beta and reading these forums, it was bought to my attention that there will be a way to see which achievements you have on your alt, whilst still having the AP from your main. If I remember correctly, achievements obtained from my Level 85 will show up for my Level 1 Twink in a blue colour. Hence, I'll be able to view which achievements he actually has, add them up and compare them with other Twinks doing this. I know it won't be the same, but atleast we can do it that way. We just need the trusted people, eg chubs, Boud, Squeakyjack.
I am looking for level 1 twink US guilds, i want to get back into level 1 again, used to play a level 1 mage back in wrath, if anyone knows any active guilds left that do raids/pvp and such please PM me!!!

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