this is not very true. All of the balance talents only scale with base damage and insect swarm is learned at every 10th level, so at level 39 you'll have the lvl 30 insect swarm. From a BG PoV balance druids has really nothing to offer since they lack burst (no you won't be able to spam starfire in a bg), have mana issues and lack meaningful CC (similar to all druid specs). With that being said they are very good in 1v1 wpvp and I'm sure could be enjoyed in a less competitive BG setting but they are bottom tier spec for BGs.
I would take a druid of any spec over any other class for FC. Roots completely cripples warriors and rogues. They get pounce opener possible with every talent tree. If you go balance you don't get insect swarm.
In response to the podhance being highly useful.
I can't wait for you to lose 1v1 to a ele shaman that windfurys you first with SOJ. Enhance is easily kiteable and once it's oom it becomes a warrior without any abilities that can ranged interrupt for 2 seconds every time shock is off cd. Don't let this discourage you from making one though. It's fun and I intend to make mine after I finish up my hunter.