TI hottest topic!

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Why is the hottest topic on the hottest twink bracket on the hottest twink website a taboo topic? it isn't sexual, racist, or anything else listed in the CoC. It's about our leadership. That's something that we should be able to discuss. I realize we don't have 100% freedom of speech here, but we can have a decent conversation about this important topic. Delete the trolls' posts and one-liners, I really don't care, but i'd like to discuss what's happening in my bracket with others in my bracket.

sincerely and hopefully,

Glaber, super fun guy who knows when to be srs
Because it eventually leads into personal attacks against other named members. When it gets to that point, then you've lost the battle.

People should already know better when they start to go on the attack and accept the fact that mods and the admin aren't likely to tolerate that kind of behaviour.
when you accept the roll of a leader, you also accept the possibility/guarantee of personal attacks. that's the price of being important

edit: anyone would love to be a leader if no one could speak against them. having a good clear concept of what people think is good for any group of people who is led. if we can speak against one leader, maybe the next will be more inclined to look up to the people who look up to them
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Except there is no CL for 19s. Plus, the topic's been done to death. It was very slow on upper management's part to "investigate" what we've all been harping on about for ages, but the matter's been dealt with and we can move along.
Except there is no CL for 19s. Plus, the topic's been done to death. It was very slow on upper management's part to "investigate" what we've all been harping on about for ages, but the matter's been dealt with and we can move along.

this is what i did want in this thread.

and now elliot has a green name........

this is what no one wants because it's petty.

anywho, there is a community leader. look at the past, and look at the current poll. the 19 community wants someone for other 19s to look up to and follow. 19s are large enough to have a leader. the idea of a CL isn't a bad idea, it's a great one. and like all cultures/subcultures, leaders are lost and remade. we just lost one, and according to the popularity of the current poll, a lot of the most active/important/well-liked/influential of the 19s are seeking a new one. This is for good reason.
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does anyone know where i can get a spiky belt?

oh sorry, i thought this was Hot Topic.
anywho, there is a community leader. look at the past, and look at the current poll. we all want someone for other 19s to look up to and follow. 19s are large enough to have a leader. the idea of a CL isn't a bad idea, it's a great one. and like all cultures/subcultures, leaders are lost and remade. we just lost one, and according to the popularity of the current poll, a lot of the most important/well-liked/influential of the 19s are seeking a new one. This is for good reason.
That's not even an official poll. It's not going to determine who's elected for CL based on popularity votes given the fact that anyone with a lot of friends can request that they up-vote them.
Next one that creates a thread relating to this kind of stuff will enjoy a 1 month vacation from these forums.

Sorry man >.< Enjoy your 1 month leave from twinkinfo :p

I salute the audacity, however. It's a hot topic for obvious reasons, I think the real question is why is it forbidden?
It does lead to personal attacks and flaming, but beyond that, what risk is there, really?

Fun thing to think about while you're off from twinkinfo. Hopefully when you get back, All this BS will have subsided :p
That's not even an official poll. It's not going to determine who's elected for CL based on popularity votes given the fact that anyone with a lot of friends can request that they up-vote them.

i know it's not "official" =P but it's a decent post, and it has the votes and support of the people of the community. what else can you ask for to make it "official?"
They're trying to extinguish some of the flaming and these threads are tools used to reignite. As much as people like to beat a dead horse, we really don't need 3+ threads per day asking why we're suddenly without a CL. We don't have one and there's no immediate replacement in sight by the looks of it. Move on.

In other words: Less drama

Sorry man >.< Enjoy your 1 month leave from twinkinfo :p

I salute the audacity, however. It's a hot topic for obvious reasons, I think the real question is why is it forbidden?
It does lead to personal attacks and flaming, but beyond that, what risk is there, really?

Fun thing to think about while you're off from twinkinfo. Hopefully when you get back, All this BS will have subsided :p

i believe those are the words of an admin following the rules he was given, and that's fine. but this thread wasn't meant to attack anyone.

i'm a bit inebriated, but there was a time, 1 hour ago, when i could better explain how my position wasn't about something, rather how it was about something else entirely. but anywho... i shall enjoy my one month leave.
anywho, there is a community leader. look at the past, and look at the current poll. the 19 community wants someone for other 19s to look up to and follow. 19s are large enough to have a leader. the idea of a CL isn't a bad idea, it's a great one. and like all cultures/subcultures, leaders are lost and remade. we just lost one, and according to the popularity of the current poll, a lot of the most active/important/well-liked/influential of the 19s are seeking a new one. This is for good reason.

In all honesty, the poll was not to be taken seriously, and I do hope that the powers that be do not give it much thought.
With all trolling aside,

and in all honesty, doesn't drama acquire more views in general due to the interesting topics?

I would think that the ad revenue from the views are more desirable, are they not?
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I think he's logged off for the day, so you have another few hours :p

PS: Kaorinite - the words in your sig make me want to tear out my eyes and shove them in my earholes with sharp skewers made of baby fetus. Music is dead :'c
i shall try anyway. it's like how many of us, as americans, can speak against George W and what he did wrong. sure, we're attacking him, but he put himself in a position to be attacked and ridiculed. Our 19s leader should share the same fate. He did great stuff, and we all know that, but we as a people are here to point out his flaws so whoever the hell is leader next can learn from what we say and not repeat those mistakes. I'm very certain the next Cl won't be caught GY farming, and that's because we called the last leader on it. It may turn out to be a cycle... the next next one won't do that, and the next one won't do what next one does wrong, and eventually, one will GY farm again. but that's what this whole process is about. The leaders learn from the mistakes of the past leaders until we as common 19s forget about those mistakes. isn't democracy great??
In all honesty, the poll was not to be taken seriously, and I do hope that the powers that be do not give it much thought.

dude, is there a better way to pic a new CL? I know you didn't mean to take a step up and write the official ballots... but you kinda did
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