done every single quest in the zone to try and get the prereqs for the quest done and ive cleared the first 3 bosses of the chain but the 4th isn't poppin up... any tips?
lonelybeaver said:got it dun worry about it
Hapsen said:please note that i am posting this as a warning for other twinks getiing gear from quest's.
but a nice twink rarely gets scared by the factor of time consuming gearing =P
hope this helped someone
Haps says thanks 4 ur tajm XD
tweedledum said:most 49's have herbalism at 375, some of them even have mining as well
time is money, and the more you invest in your toon the better
Sleipnir said:Haps, will you link your armory? Want to compare it to the hpala that I'm making