Thread Worthy?




Let me guess. Those spells on the right of your screen are Equipment sets for fc, resto, ele, etc

And thanks to Jé you got it lul

Yeah you got it, the top row are equipment sets, and yes thanks Jé for trying to gank me in Hillsbrad (lol)
Yeah you got it, the top row are equipment sets, and yes thanks Jé for trying to gank me in Hillsbrad (lol)
I use those too, very easy to tell apart and Jé deserves it lol

And hey your realm is Xrealmed with Darkspear, like my former realm, ill be hunting you down in Nesingwary :)
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but phron ain't linked if that that matters :p

bloodthristy linked, even worst.

ppl listed on history thread are char only bloodthristy, its same amount of hks but its harder on only one char, plus many ppl got it acc-wide and that would desvalorize the achievment, so i think its better to keep it char only like before MoP.
In what way is it more difficult on one character? All that means is that you play one character. It does not mean it is more difficult. It took me seven years to get over 250,000 HKs as a healer. Simply because they were not farmed. They were gotten over the coarse of just playing. There are many achievements that are designed to be cumaltive over time. This is one.


You mention "many" people have the title. Of ALL the people that have EVER played WoW only 1.73% of the players have obtained this title. Pretty low, if you ask me.
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