Thoughts on 39

Real talk, if you don't crutch on your hardware and have a jump macro doing a perfect stationary jump every time you press it, you aren't going to be able to follow the main creator of this drama to the otherwise unreachable spots he likes to camp instead of learning how to position well, and if you can, it's not going to be at the same speed.

In case you didn't know, hardware macros are against the Blizzard Terms of Use, specifically concerning the fact that they're more than "one action per input." It would actually be possible to press a macro key and have your character run from one side of the map to the other FOR you, using abilities in a timed sequence. One simply pressing two keys at the exact same time isn't more defendable than the other.

The funny thing is almost the entire premading team for Bloodlust Represent(?) was banned by Blizzard for using the exact same jump macro.

Half the risk vs reward of jumps has always been mechanically failing the jump. You inadvertently tip the risk vs reward scale by having something that completely removes that mechanical aspect. Which, on top of that, requires everyone who wishes to be on the same footing to have a piece of hardware that is capable of preforming the specific function.


Blizzard intended for jumping to be an aspect of the game.

Wait, what the...? How did you even come remotely close to that conclusion, lmao? Blizzard has patched out many jumps over the years, just because they don't actively remove/seek to remove them doesn't at all mean they intended them to be in the game or stay for that matter.

Inaction Intention
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Just a heads up:

No allowed jumps single-handedly wins games.

Glider is one loooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg jump, fyi, and it doesn't require breaking the ToS to use.

As funny as it is to see a weak group of Nancy's mass afk like that.
Glider is one loooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg jump, fyi, and it doesn't require breaking the ToS to use.

As funny as it is to see a weak group of Nancy's mass afk like that.

Glider is part of the game. It's literally intended by Blizzard. What's the problem, fellas? :D:D:D
I doubt anyone really has a problem with gliders because that's total insanity. The salt was just running high among a few because it wasn't a night of horde GY contains and general effortless dominance.

Hey, backpeddle. One way or another jumps will be allowed to a certain extent in pugs and in TC.

I warned you to behave on the forums once, if you keep going out of line you will be dealt accordingly.

Last warning.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? If you are honestly going to threaten backpeddle with some random punishment for his posts, please look at the members of your team first.
Ya, idk how people can see jumps as not exploits when blizz has removed a bunch back when Team Play was active. Everyone remember the patch which removed most of them in BC? I do.
They don't see them as exploits because their friends do them. They seem to feel it's ok to do actions which BREAK BLIZZARDS TERMS OF SERVICE, but it's not ok to use in-game items which plebs have not seen before due to their lack of twinking above level 19 (possibly 24).

Fucking worst kind of hypocrites.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? If you are honestly going to threaten backpeddle with some random punishment for his posts, please look at the members of your team first.

Fucking exactly. Livingfarce seems to feel that the only equality among twinks is the Animal Farm kind of equality. (If you don't understand, farce, fucking pick up the book and READ it)
Careful guys, you will be dealt with accordingly. :rolleyes:

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