Those blasted lvl 19 alli hunter twinks

it's now just getting rediculos whenever you enter a wsg at level 19 theres about 8 hunters a mage and a rogue, so my objective is to find the anti class, make it, make all the horde change into it and finally get rid of thouse bloody pests once and for all, any ideas on which classes to roll:confused:

Not really one but roll a paladin with a bit of sp and use ret aura. Each time their pet attacks me they take 17 damage. Then get a druid to give you thorns im pretty sure they stack.
perfect said:
Not really one but roll a paladin with a bit of sp and use ret aura. Each time their pet attacks me they take 17 damage. Then get a druid to give you thorns im pretty sure they stack.

Your counter is make them take 25 damage each time they attack you, whereas you'll take 4x that much? How's that a counter?

Paladin's do give hunters trouble though. Mail + Long Range Stuns and attacks are definitely the last thing a hunter needs to be hit with.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Your counter is make them take 25 damage each time they attack you, whereas you'll take 4x that much? How's that a counter?

Paladin's do give hunters trouble though. Mail + Long Range Stuns and attacks are definitely the last thing a hunter needs to be hit with.

Its not much of a counter but a hunter can't do much against a paladin. Their pet will slowly die and if they send 3+ or more pets that would kill any other class you would survie. You can judge one of the pets and heal while auto attacking and heal through the hunters dps. Or run up in ther face with BoF and hope you get lucky crits or end up spending minutes chasing them.

A paladins hammer of justice range is 10yards next to nothing.

Roll a paladin if you don't want to die against 1 or more hunters so easily.
My warrior has a hard time with hunters for the most part. Best thing I do is time when their concussion shot is on CD and use my Insignia of the Horde and go up and spam hamstring hoping Glyph of Hamstring procs and just go at it from there. Doesn't work out too well when when they have a healer or there's another hunter attacking me and they're spread out.
A warrior can kill a hunter I think, but you need to start the fight with your charge to win, then use hamstring.
The best hunter killer is by far a well played and well geared Warrior. Spam Hamstring like there is no tomorrow and you get a decent chance to kill us hunters:rolleyes:
Sorry to interrupt, but this is marked as a guide when its more of a question.

As far as counters go, I see any class as having the potential to be good. But with the recent changes and from the videos I have seen and posts I have read about Hunters, it just seems like it comes down to time. If you can rush in fast enough and get within melee range and manage to get out of early snares and such (Imp WingClip is gone so no snare, but you still get slowed. Concussive/Spiders/Hyenas are all used heavily from what I have read and I remember Hunters being annoying by focusing on slowing. Nothing wrong with that, their just playing their class and abusing their slows.) I don't see why you can't take a Hunter down.

Now, a good Hunter would (should) have a backup to when you are within melee while still counting their Insignia pops. Does this mean 1v1 a Holy Priest can take down a good Hunter, by all means no but you using Shadow Word: Pain can change the whole tide of battle.

When I think about it, I think the 3 best classes for killing a hunter is a warrior, priest and pala. I have a priest and pala twink, and they can take out a hunter (I was only close on the pala tho, the hunter managed to escape...)
Any class can take down a hunter.

IMO ANY class can take down a Hunter all you need is decked out gear.. Skill which most good twinks have.. and you need some basic hunter knowledge.

Any of my twinks can take down a hunter 1v1 they are just a pain in the @$$ and i can even take a hunter with a carefully planned rogue attack. My druid can even take on a hunter over time just let your hots heal u for all he attacks for and spam wrath moonfire and hibernate pet while u root hunter. There are many ways to reduce a hunters damage and you should focous on getting the pet out of the way so u can bring him down. Thats all i got :rolleyes:
i haven't played my huntard in awhile, but i believe a warrior's spamstring has 10% less slow than wingclip. i'm usually able to escape from warriors.

that said, to be able to actually kill a hunter, is pretty tough for any class. surely a warrior is one of the better ones at downright killing a hunter, especially if the hunter is not very smart. but a smart hunter should be able to kill anyone at midfield, or at the least be able to survive against anyone.

i would say that a paladin or priest might be good anti-hunters. not necessarily killing wise, but in the topic of just being able to survive.

priests can heal through the damage, while still being able to fear, renew, PW:S, etc, and hunters can't interrupt any of their cast time heals.

paladins have tons of armor and can also throw out a few heals, as well as dispel the hunter's poisons. paladins can also gain health through attacking and kiting the hunter's pet with judgement of light.

bottom line: no class can kill a smart hunter 1v1 at midfield, but any class can deal with stupid hunters.
I'd have to say warlock, as they can DoT you up so the damage keeps on coming, while their pet and drain can add to it, the drain reducing how fast you can kill them, not to mention they can chain fear you. Trinket is only going to help you once, and diminishing returns don't immediately make worthless a spell that can run for a long time.

Trying to keep them out of range is tough, as they only need a second to get DoTs up if you go inside 30yds, and you'll have to go well out of your own firing range to break a drain.

The easy counter to a warlock is to just focus them down before they spread too many DoTs around. I just wish more players knew how to focus properly (on healers especially), instead of just retaliating against whatever is attacking them.

Warrior's who spam hamstring are an absolute nightmare, but it takes help from the other players to slow the hunter initially, as a good one will give a warrior a wide berth to avoid charges.

Arcane mages could be good (just you don't see many mages, and next to none are arcane), as they can sheep hunter, kite pet down (or just nova the thing), then take on the hunter, although it'll be real close as to whether their potentially higher DPS from uninterruptable arcane volley will cope against another kiting class, when they've lost a lot of that from the frost tree, and probably have to lose a fair bit of stam to get arcane damage up.

[edit] A big reason for me rolling a hunter was to learn how to play against them better.
Just personally I have found warrior to be amasing versus hunters. But I have to play it to charge before they get the first shot off, which is hard, my charge is less range than their shot. Instantly need hammy and I need more or less have auto walk on because they are going to be turning around and concusive on you. I am not one to use trinket on concusive if I have a hamstring up, instead I let is wear off and keep chasing. If I keep them in range with smart play no hunter will ever win.

Another suggestion I have for all melee classes, especially warriors is getting hunters into smaller confined areas. A lot of times I will just wait a hunter out and if they are stupid enough to send their pet I will kill it before they will even get to me. But getting them to come to you, around a corner, gives you the opportunity to do some damage. And you can LOS them for bandaging, eating, etc. This works as well for rogue v. hunter I've noticed if the rogue plays it smart. Keeping the hunter trapped will mean your victory.
pereith said:
I'd have to say warlock, as they can DoT you up so the damage keeps on coming, while their pet and drain can add to it, the drain reducing how fast you can kill them, not to mention they can chain fear you. Trinket is only going to help you once.
true, warlocks are pretty good, but if a hunter is able to kite well against the warlock it should be able to avoid fears and keep drain life's effect to a minimum. still, good warlocks have the potential to kill hunters at mid, especially if the hunter is stupid.

Arcane mages could be good (just you don't see many), as they can sheep hunter, kite pet down (or just nova the thing), then take on the hunter, although it'll be real close as to whether their potentially higher DPS from uninterruptable arcane volley will cope against another kiting class, when they've lost a lot of that from the frost tree, and probably have to lose a fair bit of stam to get arcane damage up.

no. mages don't stand much of a chance to hunters, at least without LoS. the best mages can do against hunters in WSG is FN pet, poly hunter, and move away, at least from my experience.
your guys forget next patch libriams and leg patches seem like there getting removed. If this goes ahead caster classes will not be able to compete with hunters as there hp will be way to low.
zidsal said:
your guys forget next patch libriams and leg patches seem like there getting removed. If this goes ahead caster classes will not be able to compete with hunters as there hp will be way to low.

well, in arenas hunters are actually not that overpowered because of LoS. if a caster can utilize LoS and bandages, it can do pretty well against a hunter, especially if there's a teammate supporting them.

at midfield in WSG, however, casters may have a bit tougher time against hunters. still, hunters will be down 400 health themselves, as compared to most casters' 200 health decrease. also, in terms of librams, most hunters choose 100 hp or 8 agil and most casters choose 100 hp, 8 int, or 8 sp, so it depends wether or not they lose hp there.

i think smart casters should still shine in WSG.
i fought a good mage recently on my hunter, she poly'd me killed my pet, frost nova'd me and stood in my face casting fire ball and frost bolt so I couldn't get away. She didn't kill me cause she got the flag debuff and I got assistance but I think she had a chance.

(im a glass cannon hunter with about 1.2k health and 300 AP so that might of had something to do with it)
Warriors are fairly good against hunters if you have Glyph of Charge+ Glyph of hamstring. the charge one increases your range so you can get a charge in before they are in shot range, and from there you basically just spam hamstring and pray.
I think another issue that casters have in addition to HP problems is how hard it can be to get their enchants.

Sure the +22 INT recipe can be a pain to farm for, as can +25 AGI (not so bad if you're farming for furbolg medicine pouches), but the +spell power and +fire/shadow/arcane/etc. enchant recipes are nigh on impossible to get hold of, so in many cases casters just can't get hold of them, because no-one on the server has run AQ and MC enough to see the recipes drop (and if they have they've either dropped ench for a better end game trade and don't care about the lowbie enchants they've lost, or given up WoW long ago). Hardly anyone does 40 man raids any more, largely because you have to put so much work in to get a full run of MC, and the L80s would rather get an easier achievement that doesn't require 6 of the raid members to have ground honor with some wierd, little known faction.

I think if stam is reduced then Bliz should make it a bit easier to get hold of those recipes, so casters can maximise their DPS to their specific damage school, and make up for the lost stam a bit, even if it does make them glass cannons.

At the moment I'm putting a bit of spare gold into buying Dark Iron Ore for the +22 intellect (already got +20 spirit), but to go for the spell powers on weapon and gloves, I've got to go as far as making a 5 box team of L80s if I want to farm 40 man L60 raids.

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