EU+US Thorbias gauntles agi on ptr.

I guess that some rare items has so much transmog value that Blizz decided to keep their old armor type and just change the stats accoringly. Levelling players are unlikely to wear them and twinks… they don't care about them.
Surely it's the same amount of work to change the strength to agility rather than changing it to plate, why would they even do this ffs
WHy the duck do these gauntlets have agi now instead of strenght ? bug

Because they are changing the level requirement to equip mail/plate items for classes that wear them. The only reason why those ever had Str on them is because they're mail and wars/paladins below level 40 could only wear mail. Now that hunters and shamans can use mail before level 40, Thorbia's Gauntlets (mail) are being changed to give those classes a useful main stat in their armor type (agi).
The only reason why those ever had Str on them is because they're mail and wars/paladins below level 40 could only wear mail.
All the more reason to simply "up" the armor type on those pieces. In a similar fashion they can just replicate leather pieces and "up" the armor type on those. little bit of that here

After searching wowhead for a bit it seems they have done quite a bit of "upping" on many dungeon and quest pieces, however most if not all BoEs are simply having their primary stats changed. I assume this is because they do not want to have two versions of the same low % drop BoE on a single loot table. Nevertheless, they REALLY should just up the proficiency on those BoEs as well and leave the old proficiencies behind for the sake of continuity.
Goblin Mail Leggings also getting the shaft. Idk why blizz is messing with items no longer obtainable.

Guys. I think we can change this if we raise enough of a fuss about it. Even if it doesn't matter in instanced pvp, some of us care about WPvP. If we get them to fix it now before it's finalized, we can save ourselves the heartache. If we wait, they won't do it and we kiss a handful of strength gear goodbye.
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All the rare gear people have farmed will be practically meaningless. This was established a long time ago. It won't matter whether you have gloomshroud on or the heirloom piece on. According to reports from players on the PTR, there won't be any ilvl stacking at low levels either. It's subject to change, but pre-patch is less than a month away most likely, so chances are it won't. (It's worth mentioning that this info was gained from arenas and not BGs on the PTR)
All the rare gear people have farmed will be practically meaningless. This was established a long time ago. It won't matter whether you have gloomshroud on or the heirloom piece on. According to reports from players on the PTR, there won't be any ilvl stacking at low levels either. It's subject to change, but pre-patch is less than a month away most likely, so chances are it won't. (It's worth mentioning that this info was gained from arenas and not BGs on the PTR)

As I said, some people like the benefit for WPvP
Goblin Mail Leggings also getting the shaft. Idk why blizz is messing with items no longer obtainable.

Guys. I think we can change this if we raise enough of a fuss about it. Even if it doesn't matter in instanced pvp, some of us care about WPvP. If we get them to fix it now before it's finalized, we can save ourselves the heartache. If we wait, they won't do it and we kiss a handful of strength gear goodbye.

Blizzard is doing what's necessary for consistency. You do not find mail pieces with STR on them past level 40. You do not find mail pieces with AGI on them before level 40. Yet, there are going to be mail wearing classes in Legion who need mail with AGI below level 40 and classes who will need plate items with str below level 40. This change HAS to happen for the sake of consistency. It's intended, and like I said, you will see new items added to fill the void this creates for lower level plate wearers. In some cases they are changing the stats on the item, other cases they are changing the armor type.

Does any of this make sense to you? They simply can't leave these items as-is. It's counter intuitive to the very design elements they are changing in Legion to make things more consistent as you level. You don't need to figure out why your armor class changes between level 39 and 40. You don't have to relearn which loots are for you at level 40. Starting at level 1, you just get plate for paladins and warriors, mail for hunters and shamans, leather for druids, monks, and rogues, cloth for mages, priests, and locks. That's it. It's really straight forward. With this new design, goblin mail leggins and thorbia's gauntlets no longer fit the players who are wearing them.

Does that suck a little? Sure, it never feels good to lose something... unless something better comes along to replace it. Which is what is happening in Legion. You should Embrace It. This will be good for the game.

Blizzard is doing what's necessary for consistency. You do not find mail pieces with STR on them past level 40. You do not find mail pieces with AGI on them before level 40. Yet, there are going to be mail wearing classes in Legion who need mail with AGI below level 40 and classes who will need plate items with str below level 40. This change HAS to happen for the sake of consistency. It's intended, and like I said, you will see new items added to fill the void this creates for lower level plate wearers. In some cases they are changing the stats on the item, other cases they are changing the armor type.

Does any of this make sense to you? They simply can't leave these items as-is. It's counter intuitive to the very design elements they are changing in Legion to make things more consistent as you level. You don't need to figure out why your armor class changes between level 39 and 40. You don't have to relearn which loots are for you at level 40. Starting at level 1, you just get plate for paladins and warriors, mail for hunters and shamans, leather for druids, monks, and rogues, cloth for mages, priests, and locks. That's it. It's really straight forward. With this new design, goblin mail leggins and thorbia's gauntlets no longer fit the players who are wearing them.

Does that suck a little? Sure, it never feels good to lose something... unless something better comes along to replace it. Which is what is happening in Legion. You should Embrace It. This will be good for the game.


I get what you are saying, but many of the items we worry about are super rare and/or unobtainable. And yes, there are mail items atm under level 40 with agility, as well as plate items over lvl 40 with agility. Reason being they were never changed from vanilla. But that's besides the point. The point is, these items were intended for strength users originally.

All they have to do is introduce a very minimal amount of new mail items as questrewards or item drops and leave the current strength gear alone (and simply convert them to plate as they've done with much other strength gear). If they are worried about these old items losing their unique mog factor, they can just model the new mail items the same.

You're thinking through the mind of someone who is willing to fix something with little-to-no second thought on how to fix it.

You know what they did? They sent some random guy from the item design team to quickly scan through the database and randomly choose items that he/she wasn't fully aware of the market/personal values or even the availability/rarity. He or she just selected random items to accommodate the new armor type certain classes can now use at low levels without any insight.

Yes the legion pre-patch gear looks nice, but those will be grandfathered quickly anyway.
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Blizzard isn't responsible for secondary market values or the personal value of items. Shadowfang dropped for me randomly when I was messing around in SFK. I didn't get upset that it went from a high dollar item I could sell for $50-200, to an item that I could barely get rid of for 5k in-game gold. You have to accept the Terms of Use and the UELA before you play Wow, they clearly tell you that Blizzard can modify their own game in any way they see fit (even making it unplayable on purpose) without warning or reimbursement.

So if I had bought a Shadowfang for $200 the night before the Legion changes were announced, I have to accept that I took a risk and lost big on it when that Sfang no longer has any value. It's not Blizzard's fault and I can't fault them for doing what's necessary to make their game better. I certainly can't fault them for not valuing my Sfang at $200. Just because these items are rare world drops with sentimental value (in some cases grandfathered), doesn't mean Blizzard can't or shouldn't change them when it improves them for future use. Yes, if you had Goblin Mail Leggins on a War/Paladin, they will no longer be usable except for funsies. That's okay. I've just watched every single twink I've ever created lose every competitive advantage I've put time and effort into acquiring, and I'm okay with that.

Does it suck at first? Yeah, but you're getting a better gaming experience out of this change.

Lol, just for funsies, here's another example of how these changes affect me going into legion:

Entire guild bank full of worthless items. Bring it ON!!!!!
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