Thistlefur Mantles

Alright so I have 3 Thistlefur Mantles 29 cloth shoulders.

These are the stats on them

7/7 of the eagle

16 Shadow Dmg

16 Arcane Dmg

I'm not exactly sure if they are worth transferring over because of the BoA shoulders or maybe just because of the fact that they aren't that rare but I have them on alliance side Tanaris server (US) if you want them. Of course at a price ha :) You can contact me on Zetros, Carbohydrate, or Ikett in game.

Edit: Oh yes just adding this in there. I picked up a 9/9 pathfinders helm of the eagle. 29 leather.

Edit: Yet another thing I found... 10 stam mail 29 boots. For FCing might be good.
Zetros said:
Alright so I have 3 Thistlefur Mantles 29 cloth shoulders.

These are the stats on them

7/7 of the eagle

16 Shadow Dmg

16 Arcane Dmg

I'm not exactly sure if they are worth transferring over because of the BoA shoulders or maybe just because of the fact that they aren't that rare but I have them on alliance side Tanaris server (US) if you want them. Of course at a price ha :) You can contact me on Zetros, Carbohydrate, or Ikett in game.

16 Shadow are pretty rare. I never saw one in 4 years. Definetly worth xferring if someone really need a pair :eek:
Hi Frostbolt.

Awesome I'm glad I found something that is actually somewhat rare. Anyways not really sure the price on all my shoulders still. Post offers? :D

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