2016 TC Champion
Watch your own streams, you're constantly sitting by yourself with your thumb up your ass until maybe 2 people, rarely 3 eventually find their way to you. Usually after 10 stacks.
When I'm actually able to play the toons I want instead of trying to even out what a team is missing, I'm usually one of the only people trying to contest you in any fashion pre-12 stacks.
The ONLY reason you ever have to "struggle" is when you miss one of your own jumps or decide it's better to sit off by yourself instead of have any support. There ARE rare times when both fancy and moran happen to be playing alliance together and will casually coordinate kills on you. Then there are the rest of the games with hunters and rogues that don't know how to do such a thing.
If you "having to try" to live is casually moving from one side of LoS on top of tunnel to another while spamming regrowth because huargo is hitting you with penance, I don't know what to say.
Hmm, nope I don't sit on ToT afk, I actually try to live for as long as possible with people coming at me at 5 stacks+. it's called skill baby. If you feel like it, try FC'ing yourself on ally, and see if you can outlast me in just a single game. I doubt it, because all you know is sit afk behind your team. At 39, being afk behind your team is not viable at high stacks, because there's so much CC in this bracket that the enemy team can lock out your healers and oneshot you mongoloid style. Doing gauntlets are the only viable strat when we're talking "afk" playstyles. Which is all you know clearly