This my be rather unique - Warlock Help Needed

pff, 3 warlocks can kill 3 hunters. With a stamina lock running 10 yards infront, he'll take the hunters burst and the other locks can focus their burst on a hunter.

My warlock had quite some success versus hunters and Im going spellpower mostly.

I really do believe that warlock is the counter-class to hunters, if played correctly.
Right. Wtb Spider's Silk. :/

And I've figured out that with a spell power of 150, three CoAs and three corruptions deal about 1890 damage.

So in other words, against three hunters, apply two dots to each, run like hell, and win.

Add three immolates and the grand total is 2577. :)
Celeritas said:
Oh, well I wouldn't dream of being anything else than horde. (Blood elves more specifically =D).

I was aware of Inferno Robe's item level of 40, I just assumed that the 150 HP enchant would have same restrictions as the 100 HP.

By the way, as blood elves, one of your names be homosexual, then hömosexual, then homösexual. You'll scare everyone in the battleground.

We're on an RP server, and we actually are tying these characters in with our whole RP deal, so that ain't an option.

Originally we were going to roll on another server and name ourselves Healer, Tank, and DPS, but dismissed that as a horrible idea. :p v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

(Note: I'm using the +43 spell power enchant to approximate what the +30 should do, since SoJ really should have +15 spell power, it's just incorrect on chardev. Subtract one point of spell power from both builds for the exact number.)

I'm not terribly knowledgeable about warlocks, but how do these look? Two of the warlocks would feature the "Lockdown" build, hit capping to ensure no misses and then increasing spell power as much as possible. Stamina is a distant third on the list, but there is adequate health there. Still, it is probably not a build you want to be pugging with. The third warlock would be in front with the "Lockup" build, stacking stamina (but still keeping that hit rating up) and spell power coming next on the list. This allows for a reasonable 106 spell power, but with an impressive 1600 health before buffs.

This sounds like it would be a very powerful setup. Anyone care to revise/comment on my builds?
We're going to do some experimenting, so we might sacrafice even more of that spell power for stamina, but we'll see.

Those builds look excellent, except for one thing... my main is 60, which means no access to heirlooms. My other bro only has a 51, and my last one is only really doing BG's while I twink him, so his 'main' is 22... ya.
Hmmm....makes it much harder to get the +hit. Look to see what you can do.

If it's more stamina you want, Dawnblade, +30 sp, with Furbolg Medicine Pouch OH. That gets you 15 stamina and 30 spell power, and probably the best option if you can't get SoJ. For your spell power locks, roll with Staff of the Blessed Seer.
Get balanced gear on at least 2 of the locks. A stam lock can't deal damage. Personally I would get balanced gear for all 3. With all the defensive cd's the "tank" lock should survive anyway. AGM/Lifeblood/Sacrifice.
I doubt this would work against 3 huntards, even worse for you 3 shamans. I would consider trying to come up with the team with the most counters too all other teams, which might be, *drum roll* 1 Preist , 1 Shaman and a warrior.

1 Holy pally, 1 hunter, 1 FC druid. Roll with the flag and sitting 20 inches away from each other would help a lot.
Celeritas said:
Well of course that's a given. Hunters would take quite a bit, but in such a case...

Curse of Weakness the pets, have the 'tanking' warlock go in shielded by the VW to take as much of the fire as possible while the voidwalker gets pets aggro

i dont think you realise how OP'd 3 good hunters would be not to mention i would give ur "tanking warlock" less than 10secs of survival. Prolly wouldnt get his first fear off.
NuttBinja said:
i dont think you realise how OP'd 3 good hunters would be not to mention i would give ur "tanking warlock" less than 10secs of survival. Prolly wouldnt get his first fear off.

This is very true. Three capable hunters (and one pet, as I root and hibernate two of them) burn me down extremely quickly, even through Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifeblood, and Heavy Stone Statues. I suppose it doesn't help that Bear Form isn't a viable option, due to Scare Beast, however.
if ur srsly gna roll a grp of 3 very coordinated ppl 2warlocks and a geared healer in this case druid would proly be better. As his hots would sustain the warlock for a while and have most dps focuse on him so the other 2 will be free to output dps w\o a care.
The point of this isn't to omgwtfpwn the battleground. It's to have fun.

It's rare that I see any group of three relatively coordinated people. I'm not worried about that rare time we run into a group of three hunters, I'm more concerned with the fact that 6 DoTs on an enemy does 1800 damage.

See, even against three hunter we only need to survive approximately 10 seconds and then they're going to sustain a heavy amount of damage. Considering that one of us could potentially have 1600 health plus sacrafice, I think we'd survive long enough to hold our own.

So yeah, no one's rolling healer, unless bro number one still wants to roll a druid. If we want a warrior my other bro will just bring in his. Maybe I'll throw my rogue or hunter into the mix. The point is, we're doing this for fun, and we've decided that three warlocks is going to be uber-fun.

Oh yeah, and this isn't a matter of what we're rolling, we've already rolled them and are getting them geared.
well then i wish you the best of luck. Although since the patch just hit the "rare" grp of relatively skilled hunters. Has just jumped up to the "hunter factor overload" i avg seeing 3-6 hunters PER bg on alliance side only. The hunter factor atm is crap. Which is why i just rolled a priest! rawr me
NuttBinja said:
well then i wish you the best of luck. Although since the patch just hit the "rare" grp of relatively skilled hunters. Has just jumped up to the "hunter factor overload" i avg seeing 3-6 hunters PER bg on alliance side only. The hunter factor atm is crap. Which is why i just rolled a priest! rawr me

Still doesn't change the fact that they're relatively uncoordinated hunters (in terms of teamwork).

THese 'relatively skilled hunters' aren't all that skilled necessarily either. It takes no skill to faceroll with a hunter, honestly. Been there, played that, quit because it took no skill.

I think we still have a fair chance.

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