This is why your bracket sucks

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and the final scoreboard after 20+ minutes of farming with a full twink team against a full non twink team:

It isn't 24s. It's the farming SCUM and the runaway imbalance of everyone playing alliance. Horde are second class citizens in this bracket. It isn't just rarely like this either. It's every single game. I want to grind another 70 honor for a BoA piece for someone else on that toon and I'll never play it in this bracket again and it will honestly take me way too long to even do that. I'll probably have to turn my xp back on. If this is what you want your bracket to be then you should keep rolling alliance and keep stomping horde. If you want an actual bracket to come back to you'll encourage fair play at every turn and roll horde. It's seriously ****ing free to roll horde and your queue times and challenge will be better.
Nicozy said:
well u rolled a hunter so u must like having other people being second class citizens.

the hunter was already around before f2p. i rolled it a few months ago when i didn't have cata to grind out some honor for an heirloom or two. the fact that i play a hunter didn't stop my entire team from being farmed for 25 minutes.

and if that's all you glean from those four
wow dumb move posting that on a 24 hunter dude u should have posted it on your 20 haha
Again, the hunter will be in the bracket until I get 50 more honor for an heirloom. I already had rolled it long long long before f2p became a bracket. At this point with seeing nothing but fully geared alliance teams I don't care if I'm playing on a 24 to win a BG or two for honor for an heirloom. I still get killed regardless because most of my horde pug teammates are either in awful gear or have no idea how to play in the gulch.

I love how the only problem people see with the SS is that I'm on a 24 hunter and not the fact that the alliance had 4 or 5 in that game all farming below the GY for 25 minutes. It speaks volumes about why this bracket is where it is.
Nicozy said:
ur a 24 hunter expect 2 get farmed

too bad in those screens i posted i didn't get farmed. i died six times and i'd say at least 4 of those i was on an FC or defending the flag room. it was only after the entire alliance team made it into the horde GY that i stopped rezzing.

who is your f2p 20 again? i don't believe i caught that.
Guys who cares about the god damn fact hes a 24hunter. All you f2p baddies are dodging the point of this thread and saying other shit.
Mnkey said:
Guys who cares about the god damn fact hes a 24hunter. All you f2p baddies are dodging the point of this thread and saying other shit.

allahkazam said:
at least there are some halfway sensible people here :)

I fully understand this but you can't have that excuse for being a 24, it's wrong from both sides.
Hiidden said:
I fully understand this but you can't have that excuse for being a 24, it's wrong from both sides.

if my 24 was the only one being farmed i might agree. but the ones being farmed were 600 hp newbs. there is no defending that.

and what excuse is there for the game i got into where the alliance had been farming for 20 minutes already?

i guess as an alliance player you see nothing wrong with GY farming a group of people who can't even fight back?
allahkazam said:
if my 24 was the only one being farmed i might agree. but the ones being farmed were 600 hp newbs. there is no defending that.

and what excuse is there for the game i got into where the alliance had been farming for 20 minutes already?

i guess as an alliance player you see nothing wrong with GY farming a group of people who can't even fight back?

I hate GY farming, like you. I don't even play WSGs anymore cause of the hunters from BOTH sides, no skills then. I play AB instead, longer queue times but well worth it.
The problem here us that you guys are looking at this like a 24 is qqing about getting farmed and that isn't his point at all. Him being 24 is tottally irrelevant to the problem he is addressing.
augiddin said:
The problem here us that you guys are looking at this like a 24 is qqing about getting farmed and that isn't his point at all. Him being 24 is tottally irrelevant to the problem he is addressing.

pretty much this. the fact that i was on a 24 didn't stop the 9 other people on my team from having between 500 and 839 hp and didn't stop an entire 10 man alliance team from farming the GY for 25 minutes. They wiped horde in mid and went immediately to below the GY. They capped once when a prot pally used lay on hands and the rest of their flag room D killed me in tunnel and after that it was a straight farm for the next 15 minutes. I managed to get into the flag room and defended it a little but finally i just gave up and said to myself if they are going to run the flag that I might as well just let them to end the game for my poor team.

if i posted this on a 20 would the reaction be any different? probably not. i'm already being told by one person here that i rolled the wrong faction. as if all i want to do is steamroll all day long. none of those players were level 24 either. it's your basic free to play twink that's doing this. aside from my 24 which i'll admit is geared pretty well, horde had basically no one. it was killing a team over and over that couldn't fight back. had i been on a 20 i would have probably afk'd out. the fact that i could rez and kill 2-3 people before dying again meant that i could wait it out and wait for that opportunity.

also, saying you choose to play AB because of hunters is just ignoring the problem. the bracket isn't balanced. at certain times horde may be better, but by and large the average horde pug is probably 7-8 players with around 750 hp unbuffed, maybe a twink or a 24, and someone with rez sickness. yes rez sickness. i did 4 games this morning and in 3 of them horde had someone start the game with rez sickness.

if this stuff keeps up pretty soon you won't have any games at all because no one is going to want to play on the horde side. the alliance that are so used to winning and so used to being able to GY farm for 20 minutes every game will make sure of that. it won't be 24s that ruin the bracket, but stupid 20s who don't realize you need both sides to queue to get a game.
Grody1 said:
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Says the 19 hunter.

Obviously neither one of you can read either because I've said repeatedly throughout the thread that I wasn't farmed. I guess stomping 600 hp noobs with a fully twinked team in the GY for 25 minutes is ok as long as the opposing team has a level 24 who is nowhere near the GY. People like you that gave twinks a bad name.
it won't be 24s that ruin the bracket, but stupid 20s who don't realize you need both sides to queue to get a game.

Quoted for truth. I see the same things game after game, and I could care less he's a 24 hunter. Like has been said in other threads, sometimes when a 24 enters Horde side folks in chat actually cheer thinking for once they will have a chance and not get farmed into oblivion. Besides, plenty of us F2P's have posted the same stuff about all the Alliance no talent scrubs farming GY. Ironically, given the same opportunity, Horde RARELY does it.
Nicozy said:
lol so it's all about gy farmin and not general farmin? people like u who roll 24 huntards give twinks a bad name <3 and I would gy farm u alll day erry day

You're about as smart as that guy in your sig.
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